Have your say, Vaughan!

City of Vaughan
Public input is being sought on a variety of city-building initiatives

Vaughan is a city on the move – and despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, city-building has not slowed down. Public consultation remains an important and necessary part of the process and Vaughan is committed to providing virtual opportunities for citizens to be engaged, learn about active projects, provide feedback and get involved.
This past month, teams across the organization have worked to provide various public engagement opportunities – and we want to hear from you. Join these current conversations to help inform municipal decisions and shape the future of Vaughan:
2022 Budget Process
The City is developing its 2022 Budget and 2023 to 2026 Capital Plan. Virtual public meetings are taking place on Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. and Thursday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. to discuss next year’s budget. Participate by speaking live to Council via teleconference or telephone, submitting written communications and more. View details and ways to get involved in the budget process at vaughan.ca/budget. Watch a livestream of these meetings at vaughan.ca/LiveCouncil.
City-wide Sports Facilities Needs Assessment Study
The City-wide Sports Facilities Needs Assessment Study will help inform the planning of parks and outdoor sports facilities like baseball diamonds, soccer fields, basketball courts and tennis courts. Currently, there are approximately 220 sports fields and 210 sports courts across the city – what sports do you play? Which sports facilities do you use? What additional facilities are needed? Until Sunday, Dec. 12, visit vaughan.ca/SportsFacilities to have your say. Provide feedback through a survey and a digital interactive map.
Napier Street Traffic Study Survey
The City is undertaking a traffic mitigation, operational and road safety study for Napier Street, John Street, Kellam Street, Islington Avenue (between Highway 27 and Nashville Road), Stegman’s Mill Road (between Islington Avenue and Napier Street), and Nashville Road (between Highway 27 and Islington Avenue). Residents are once again invited to give feedback on the project, including options for the closure of all or part of Napier Street at Stegman’s Mill Road. Participate by completing the survey at vaughan.ca/NapierStreet.
Official Plan Review Virtual Visioning Workshops
As part of the City’s Official Plan Review, two virtual Visioning Workshops are being hosted for the community to provide their input and help shape the updated Vaughan Official Plan and revised vision for Vaughan. Hosted via Zoom, the workshops will provide information on the project and identify the Official Plan Review’s purpose, timeline and work completed to date. Attendees will collaborate with each other and City staff to provide input that will help guide the community’s growth to 2051. Sessions will be held on Thursday, Dec. 2 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Monday, Dec. 6 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Visit vaughan.ca/OPR to register for your preferred session.
Old Maple Infrastructure Improvements
The City is committed to enhancing its communities, including Old Maple, for generations to come. Necessary infrastructure upgrades are planned for the area, including an aging watermain replacement as well as stormwater drainage improvements and road reconstruction. Learn more about the work before construction begins by joining a virtual Public Information Session on Thursday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. To register, send your name and email address to OldMapleTeam@morrisonhershfield.com. A link will be sent in advance of the meeting to join the session. More information is available at vaughan.ca/OldMaple.
Promenade Centre Secondary Plan Study
A home to many, a place to shop, gather and grow – the area around the Promenade mall, known as the Promenade Centre, is under review. As the City’s Promenade Centre Secondary Plan Study progresses, the community is once again invited to get involved. Tune in to the virtual Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting) on Tuesday, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. to learn about the proposed plan and provide feedback. The proposed plan is available at vaughan.ca/PromenadeCentre. To register to speak at the Tuesday, Nov. 30 meeting, visit vaughan.ca/HaveYourSay. Comments can also be emailed to Vaughan staff at promenadecentre@vaughan.ca prior to the meeting.
Vaughan Transportation Plan Update
Would you travel differently through the city if you had more choices? You can help inform the Vaughan Transportation Plan by telling the City how you get to, around and through Vaughan. While the City’s current transportation plan recommends strategic road improvements to support future development, the updated Vaughan Transportation Plan will provide a long-term approach and identify projects that will help provide a greater range of transportation choices to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. There are many ways to get involved – including by participating in a self-guided virtual Public Open House or by emailing comments directly to the project team. Get started at vaughan.ca/TransportationPlan.
VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan
The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is emerging as a vibrant hub for people to live, work and play. As part of the downtown’s evolution, the City is developing a VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan to guide the creation of parks and open space in the area, and establish a signage strategy to make the core even easier to navigate. You can get involved and help refine the draft plan. Now until Thursday, Dec. 9, visit vaughan.ca/VMCParks to learn what has been accomplished to date, watch a video and share your thoughts.
For additional public engagement opportunities, visit vaughan.ca/HaveYourSay and subscribe to the City’s engagement mailing list to receive updates directly to your inbox. Watch this video to learn more about the City’s community engagement strategy. Continue to check this webpage as new public engagement opportunities are frequently posted.