Have your say on Vaughan’s short-term rentals

Take the survey and join the conversation

Short-term rentals refer to individuals renting out their residence, or part of their residence, for a short period of time through a variety of internet-based platforms in exchange for a fee. Currently, the presence of short term rentals is low in Vaughan.

The City of Vaughan is exploring the emerging use of short-term rentals along with any issues, opportunities and best practices that come with it. In doing this, residents and property owners are being asked to take a short survey on how they feel about short-term rentals in Vaughan. The survey will be open from Nov. 1 to Dec. 31. Citizens who call in to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 from Nov. 19 to Nov. 30 will also be asked to answer a few select questions regarding short-term rentals. Comments and questions can also be emailed to ShortTermRentals@vaughan.ca.
Citizen input, along with a review of regulatory and enforcement options will be an integral part of the project. All findings will be used to make recommendations to Council in 2019 on a preferred approach to dealing with short-term rentals.
More information can be found at: vaughan.ca/ShortTermRentals.
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