Help address anti-Black racism in Vaughan

New dates announced for community focus groups

The City of Vaughan is committed to fostering a community culture that is diverse, inclusive and equitable where all citizens, employees, businesses and visitors are provided with accessible opportunities to engage and participate. If you identify as a Black citizen living in the city, bring your voice to the table. You can help identify and address anti-Black racism in the City of Vaughan by providing input that will improve City programs, policies, procedures and services. 

Here’s how you can get involved: 

Participate in community focus groups throughout March – NEW DATES!

Members of the City’s diverse Black community are invited to participate in a series of virtual focus groups taking place between Monday, March 13 and Thursday, March 30 with like-minded individuals to identify key issues, challenges and opportunities for change within the City’s programs, policies and procedures. 

The following focus group sessions with facilitated conversations will take place virtually:

Register for a session at If accommodations are required, please indicate at the time of registration. 

Take an online survey until Wednesday, March 29

Black community members are encouraged to share lived experiences facing anti-Black racism in Vaughan, as well as their experiences with City services, programs, events and communications through an online survey. The purpose of the survey is to understand:

  • barriers or challenges the Black community faces and what processes, if any, should be reviewed or introduced by the City.
  • what gaps in services and programming exist, if any.
  • what opportunities are within reach.
  • what aspirations, ideas or recommendations the Black community envisions that will further the mission of addressing anti-Black racism, and fostering greater inclusion and belonging in the City. 

The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and is now available at until Wednesday, March 29. 

Through the Addressing Anti-Black Racism Community Engagement and Action Plan project, the City is collaborating with Black individuals, organizations serving the diverse Black communities living in the city and community leaders to identify and address barriers preventing the full and meaningful participation of the Black community when it comes to services, programs, events and city life. 

There is rich diversity within the Black community – with people from different backgrounds, identities and experiences. These different lived experiences and perspectives are vital to the City’s continued efforts to advance a culture of inclusion. Feedback collected through the survey and community focus groups will be used to help inform a multi-year action plan to address and work to eliminate anti-Black racism in the City, including improving municipal policies, community programs, City services and more. For more information, visit 

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