Help transform Glen Shields Park

City of Vaughan
Virtual Public Information Session to take place on Thursday, Nov. 26

The City of Vaughan is preparing to redevelop Glen Shields Park to revitalize this community gathering place for current and future generations to enjoy. Your input is needed! Citizens are encouraged to join the conversation that is shaping the future of this park by attending a virtual Public Information Session on Thursday, Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. Register at to hear project updates and provide feedback on proposed park facilities and amenity options.
Located at 140 Glen Shields Ave., to the west of Dufferin Street and just north of Steeles Avenue West, Glen Shields Park is approximately 4.7 hectares (11.6 acres) and is currently home to a playground, pathways, multi-purpose court with basketball , a triple tennis court and park building.
In 2018 a Parks Redevelopment Strategy (PDF) was developed by the City to provide guidance for managing the renewal and redevelopment of multiple Vaughan parks and open spaces over a 10-year period – including Glen Shields Park. In that same year, the Glen Shields Park Redevelopment Project was identified as a priority in the City’s Active Together Master Plan. Funding is approved to proceed with the planning, design and implementation. The project is currently in the pre-design phase, with construction planned to begin in 2021, subject to budget approval. Part of the project includes a study on the alignment of the Bartley Smith Greenway (PDF) trail, and park walkway improvements, for increased pedestrian and bicycle safety and enjoyment through better sightlines, lighting, surface conditions and wayfinding signage.
By transforming the current park, it will bring the area to life and foster physical activity, health and wellness for all citizens. This project supports the City’s commitment to creating and sustaining safe and accessible spaces that enhance citizen well-being and enrich the community through the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan.
The City values public input and is dedicated to having constructive dialogue with the community that is open, transparent, accessible and inclusive. Share your thoughts and be part of Glen Shields Park’s redevelopment story by joining the upcoming virtual Public Information Session – the session will take place online via Microsoft Teams and participants do not have to download the Microsoft Teams app to participate. A link to the online meeting will be provided in advance to all registered participants. A subsequent online survey will also be made available following the session for individuals who cannot attend. It will be live until Friday, Dec. 11.
For more information and to register, visit