Keep your pets cool in extreme heat

Dog outside

Feeling the heat this week? So are your pets. On hot and humid days, Vaughan Animal Services recommends keeping your pets – including dogs, cats and birds – indoors as much as possible. 


Follow these tips to make sure they stay safe and cool:


  • Never leave your pet in a parked car. In extreme heat, the inside of a car can reach 40 degrees within minutes. Never leave pets in hot cars – it can be fatal.
  • Make sure they have plenty of water. Keep pets hydrated during hot weather by ensuring they always have access to cool water.
  • Watch out for sunburn. Short-haired pets and those with pink skin or white hair are more likely to get a sunburn. Reduce their risk by controlling your pet’s exposure to the sun – only let dogs outside for short periods of time. 
  • Keep them in a cool place. Use a fan or air conditioning to keep your home cool. Never leave your pet unattended on balconies or unsheltered backyards in hot weather.
  • Watch for signs of heat stroke. This includes rapid panting, lots of drooling, hot skin or vomiting. 


As stated in the City’s Animal Control By-law 066-2020 (PDF), animals should be kept indoors during extreme heat, except for brief walks or brief periods of exercise. Any person violating the by-law may be fined up to $900. If you see an animal in a car or outside for a long period of time, you are encouraged to report it to Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281. 


For more information, visit


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