Kirby Road extension is making progress!

Kirby Extension event

Construction is underway with the extension set to open in 2026


We are committed to keeping you moving! 


The City of Vaughan is extending Kirby Road, between Dufferin Street and Bathurst Street, to 

improve transportation and mobility, reduce gridlock, accommodate our growing population 

and help you travel seamlessly throughout the community. 


Today, the City celebrated the progress of this vital city-building project at the future intersection of Kirby Road and Bathurst Street (located beside 11490 Bathurst St.) with Mayor Steven Del Duca, Members of Council and Francesco Sorbara, Member of Parliament for Vaughan–Woodbridge, in attendance.


Extending Kirby Road between Dufferin Street and Bathurst Street is part of the Council-approved Nine Point Action Plan to Fight Traffic Gridlock and is a significant infrastructure development in Vaughan. The total project cost is $65 million, with $45 million coming from the City and $20 million from the federal Housing Accelerator Fund.


Work currently underway includes site clearing and grading. To mitigate environmental impacts, the City is collaborating with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to plant approximately 900 trees along the extension route and 21,000 more in Vaughan’s Nashville Conservation Reserve.


Scheduled to be completed by summer 2026, the newly extended Kirby Road will feature: 

  • four lanes (two in each direction).
  • a new bridge structure crossing East Patterson Creek.
  • an in-boulevard multi-use pathway on the north and south sides of the road for cyclists and pedestrians.
  • roadway lighting.
  • intersection improvements at both Dufferin Street and Bathurst Street.


To learn more about this project, visit the Kirby Road Extension project webpage.



“As Mayor, one of my top priorities is to keep Vaughan moving. Gridlock erodes our quality of life, undermines our economic success and damages our natural environment. We are making progress on my Nine Point Action Plan to Fight Traffic Gridlock – including the Kirby Road Extension. Improving the city’s east-west connections is vitally important – it will relieve the pressure on nearby roads and residential neighbourhoods and provide a critical link between Vaughan and Richmond Hill. The Kirby Road Extension will make it easier to travel through our city. Many in our community have asked for Kirby Road to be extended and we have committed $86.5 million to make this dream a reality. I want to thank the Federal government for their support and commitment to making Vaughan a more accessible city for future generations.”

- Mayor Steven Del Duca 


“This is what progress looks like! By extending Kirby Road, between Dufferin Street and Bathurst Street, we are enhancing Vaughan’s local infrastructure and accelerating housing supply. This progress is all thanks to the Housing Accelerator Fund, which is making a real impact on the lives of Vaughan residents. Our federal government believes that everybody who wishes to become a homeowner should have access to an affordable home. By working side-by-side with forward-thinking municipalities, like the City of Vaughan under the leadership of Mayor Steven Del Duca, we are accelerating residential supply, supporting housing-related infrastructure, and strengthening our communities. Now, it's time to keep building!” 

- Francesco Sorbara, Member of Parliament for Vaughan–Woodbridge



  • The City of Vaughan is extending Kirby Road between Dufferin Street and Bathurst Street.

  • Extending Kirby Road is part of the Council-approved Nine Point Action Plan to Fight Traffic Gridlock.

  • The project is well underway and is anticipated to be completed by summer 2026.

  • The Kirby Road Extension is a vital city-building infrastructure project that will help advance the City’s transportation network.