Learn more about Vaughan’s 2022 Budget

City of Vaughan
Tune in to public meetings on Dec. 1, 7 and 9

The City of Vaughan’s approach to public finances builds on the principles of integrity, accountability and responsibility. The focus is on keeping property tax rates low, respecting taxpayers’ money and delivering quality public services that residents, businesses and visitors rely on each day. Currently, the 2022 Budget and 2023 to 2026 Capital Plan are being developed – and you can get involved. Three electronic-participation public meetings are taking place in December to address this year’s budget:
  • Special Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting) on Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 7 p.m.
  • Special Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting) on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m.
  • Special Council Meeting on Thursday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m.
Participate in these virtual meetings by:  
  • speaking live via teleconference to Members of Council during the meeting. To pre-register to speak at the public meeting, send a completed Request to Speak form (PDF) to clerks@vaughan.ca or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281. Participants will be provided instructions on how to connect to the meeting. A test meeting will also be held before the meeting to allow participants to test their connection and software. You can also connect through your computer, smartphone or tablet.
  • speaking live from a telephone (regular landline or cellphone) during the meeting. To pre-register to speak via telephone, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at clerks@vaughan.ca or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281.
  • submitting a written communication for review by Members of Council as part of an agenda item. All written communications can be emailed to the Office of the City Clerk at clerks@vaughan.ca.
The City’s citizen-focused budget will outline how Vaughan’s administration will move the city forward while delivering more than 200 daily programs and services effectively and efficiently. But before the budget is approved, a key priority is to educate citizens about the process – to ensure they are informed and have multiple opportunities to comment on how their tax dollars are invested. Other ways to get involved include:
  • Watching a livestream of the City’s budget meetings at vaughan.ca/LiveCouncil. A video feed will be available at the start of each meeting.
  • Providing input through an online budget feedback form at vaughan.ca/budget.
  • Emailing any questions or comments to the City at budgeting@vaughan.ca.
  • Calling 905-832-8610 to leave a message that will be shared with City staff.
  • Subscribing to Vaughan News, the City’s eNewsletter, for updates as they are released.
  • Joining the conversation on the City’s Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook pages using #VaughanBudget2022.
Be informed; Be Involved: Learn more about the budget process
The City’s goal is to ensure the budget is rooted in fiscal sustainability and serves to secure greater efficiencies and maximize every dollar it is entrusted to invest. The budget will build upon the City’s existing strong foundation and account for sustainable growth with opportunities to enrich lives through arts, culture, parks, trails and recreation. In addition, it will deliver on the City’s mission of Citizens First Through Service Excellence, investing in the community’s future and factoring in the impacts of COVID-19.
The City’s budget includes an operating budget and capital investments to support and advance the priorities in the Council-approved 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan. The City’s operating and capital budgets have two distinct components: the property tax-supported budget and the water rate, wastewater rate and stormwater-charge-supported budget. The property tax budget funds the many programs and services families rely on, including garbage collection, snow clearing and fire prevention education. Only 27 cents of every property tax dollar stays with the City to provide these services. The water, wastewater and stormwater-charge budget funds water-related services to ensure the City can provide safe drinking water, collect wastewater effectively, manage stormwater to mitigate flooding and save for future infrastructure needs.
Each year, the City passes a budget to determine how funds will be allocated. The property tax budget and the water, wastewater and stormwater budget are discussed at the same time. The annual Budget Book (PDF) provides an overview of the budget and this process. The City’s 2022 Budget Book will be made available in the coming weeks.
For more information on the City’s budget process or how you can get involved, visit vaughan.ca/budget.