Leave no crumb behind!

Left over food and garbage in a park

Your leftover snacks attract coyotes to parks


Going for a picnic in your neighbourhood park this weekend? Be sure to take all food items home with you or place them in the appropriate waste bins. Food attracts wildlife – including coyotes – to our greenspaces and properties, and increases their tolerance to people and pets.


Whether intentional or not, the actions you take when out in the community make a difference – so check under your picnic table for scraps and pick up any food you drop on the trails. Feeding animals or leaving food items in parks to attract wildlife is subject to a $500 fine.


In addition to not feeding a wild animal, reconsider having bird feeders on your property as they attract small mammals, which encourage larger wild animals to visit your yard. 


If you encounter a coyote, keep your distance and keep pets on a short leash. If the coyote approaches you directly:

  • stop: pick up children and small pets, if necessary.
  • stand your ground: never run from a coyote, fox or domestic dog.
  • make yourself big: wave your hands above your head.
  • be loud and assertive: shout, stomp your feet and clap your hands.
  • use a noisemaker: it could be your voice, pots and pans banged together, a shaker can (such as a pop can filled with pebbles), a plastic bag (snap it around), or an umbrella popping open and closed.
  • slowly back away: be assertive as you leave so the animal knows it is not welcome.


By-law officers are available to speak with and assist residents, conduct property audits to identify coyote attractants and provide education on how to deter wildlife from their properties. For more information and tips, visit vaughan.ca/coyotes.


The City of Vaughan is also offering the following tips on how to manage urban wildlife in Vaughan.


Be a responsible pet owner

Always keep dogs on leashes when outdoors and keep cats indoors or in a secure outdoor enclosure. Free-roaming pets are vulnerable to a multitude of dangers. Almost all conflicts between wildlife and domestic dogs occur when dogs are off-leash.


Pick up after your pet

You must pick up after your pets, whether on public or private property. Excrement may contain bacteria and parasites that can affect humans and can attract wildlife, such as coyotes. Not only is it the right thing to do, it’s also the law! The fine for failing to pick up after your pets is $200. Disposing of pet waste is easy – it belongs in your green bin at home and a waste bin when in the community. 


Do not invite unwanted houseguests

Keep your home properly sealed so wildlife stays outdoors. Remove attractants in your yard by picking up dog feces, cleaning outdoor grills and securing recycling and compost bins. Only put waste out on collection days, rather than leaving it on the street overnight. Collect and store bins and any uncollected garbage on the same day.


To report a sick or injured wild animal, please call the City at 905-832-2281. For more information, visit vaughan.ca/AnimalServices.


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