Mayor Bevilacqua reflects on a life committed to public service

City of Vaughan
Mayor Bevilacqua will not seek re-election in the upcoming 2022 municipal election

The following statement was issued by Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua: 

"After much thought and personal reflection, today, I announced that I will not seek re-election as Mayor of Vaughan in the upcoming October 2022 municipal election. 

"I want to thank the community for continuously giving me a strong mandate to serve and their unwavering support throughout more than three decades in elected office. My life has been wholeheartedly dedicated to public service. It will forever remain my life's honour to have served Vaughan residents since 1988, first as a Member of Parliament, then as Mayor. Today is also my birthday, and I remain grateful to the citizens of Vaughan for gifting me with the privilege and opportunity to serve people who truly understand that the ultimate purpose in life is to improve the human condition. 

"The past 12 years as Vaughan's Mayor have been exceptional and memorable. We have built a strong foundation on which a bright future can be built. My efforts have always been guided by a genuine desire to serve. My purpose has always been to elevate the quality of life for citizens, attract opportunities for business investment, higher education and community improvement, and move our city forward without leaving anyone behind. I made this decision with the confidence of knowing that I am leaving Vaughan in a better place than I found it. We are now a City that is admired and respected well beyond our borders. 

"During my inauguration address in 2010, I shared my vision for Vaughan. I envisioned a city that would be praised for its character, integrity, first-class administration and commitment to transparency, accountability and good governance. I saw a city with a thriving downtown core that would be connected to a modern, accessible and reliable transit system. I recognized Vaughan's potential as a magnet for investment, sustainable growth and job creation. I asked citizens to work with me to create a new Vaughan, and today, I can unequivocally state that we have been successful in our mission. Vaughan is a City transformed. 

"When I was first elected in 2010, Vaughan did not have a hospital, a subway, a university, a downtown core, a 900-acre park or 70,000 new jobs. Today that has all changed. Together, we have made tremendous strides in our city-building efforts. After a decade-long journey, Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital opened its doors as a full-service community hospital on June 6, 2021. With the number of people living in York Region expected to grow by more than 35 per cent over the next 20 years, the opening of Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital means we are now better prepared to meet the needs of the vibrant, diverse, and rapidly changing population we serve––an impact that will be felt for many generations to come. Bringing a hospital to Vaughan was one of my greatest dreams as Mayor, and it gives our community great joy to know this dream is now a reality. I have been proud to serve as Chair of the Mackenzie Health Foundation's Ultimate Campaign and am pleased to announce that we have achieved our milestone $250-million fundraising goal tonight. 

"The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) continues to rise to new and unprecedented heights, growing well beyond projected growth at a rate of 267 per cent. The heart of our emerging downtown is home to several transformational projects, including the VMC Subway, high-rise towers, and commercial office buildings, which have created thousands of jobs, public art projects and vibrant community event spaces. The city is outpacing national, provincial and regional growth rates with real GDP growth at 7 per cent. Since 2010, more than $15 billion in building permits have been issued, and 70,000 additional jobs have been created. 

"Bringing a university to Vaughan has long been part of my ultimate city-building dream. In January 2019, this dream was realized when Niagara University opened its doors in the VMC, marking the first university in Vaughan. Higher learning and education speak to the pursuit of a noble goal that is fundamentally woven into the core of every human being, and that is to do better. Improved access to education, healthcare and transportation are hallmarks of any modern, thriving city and Niagara University is further proof that Vaughan is the place to be. 

"Vaughan is a green city, and as Mayor, I have been committed to building safe, accessible and sustainable spaces for everyone. The 900-acre North Maple Regional Park is larger than New York City's Central Park and is our most ambitious park development. We remain focused on advancing long-lasting urban design and public spaces that foster community well-being and improved quality of life. Accessible location, exceptional amenities, development opportunities, subway connections, and so much more are positioning Vaughan as a world-class city. 

"As I reflect on my journey, it would not have been possible without the unwavering love and support of my family. I remain forever grateful for my loving parents, Azeglio and Filomena, whom I miss dearly. They taught me the value of hard work, honesty, integrity and the importance of community building. I also want to express my warmest and sincerest gratitude to my children, Jean-Paul and Victoria, siblings Emidio, Anna and Robert, and my extended family for their support throughout the years. 

"I also want to give thanks to my Council colleagues and every member of Vaughan's administration for their dedication. Their ongoing efforts demonstrate our shared commitment to delivering service excellence and putting citizens first in everything we do. Our achievements result from a laser-focused approach to providing an exceptional standard of living and high quality of life. 

"Ultimately, seeking elected office is about improving the lives of the people you serve. When you are called to lead, you are called to serve. I have always said that public service is a vocation, not a job. You must be willing to place the needs of others before your own. That is what authentic leadership is all about. Purpose-driven leadership has helped generate 70,000 jobs, build a downtown core, attract a university, open Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital, create a 900-acre park and a seamless, well-connected transit system. 

"Today, our city has an exciting and promising future on the horizon. It has been a remarkable journey. and I look forward to the next chapter as Vaughan continues to take its rightful place as a world-class City." 

Mayor Bevilacqua's Biography Link


​During his 2010 inaugural address, the newly elected Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua outlined his vision for a new Vaughan ​28-year-old Maurizio Bevilacqua enters the House of Commons for the first time as the newly elected member of parliament for York North in 1988.