Meet Vaughan’s Mayor for a Day!

Mayor Del Duca with the winner of Mayor for a Day, Anna G.

Anna G. joins Mayor Del Duca for a day at City Hall


Congratulations to Anna G., the City of Vaughan’s Mayor for a Day contest winner for 2024! 


As Vaughan’s Mayor … for a day, Anna spent today with Mayor Steven Del Duca at Vaughan City Hall, taking meetings, getting introduced to Members of Council and City staff, and seeing the municipal government in action. She also toured the building and attended today’s Committee of the Whole (1) meeting.


The contest was open to Vaughan students in grades 5 to 8. To enter, students were asked to provide two ideas on how to improve their city before the deadline in May. A selection panel reviewed all submissions, and Anna was selected as the winning student based on her innovative ideas to move Vaughan forward, which included a green transit initiative and enhancements to garbage sorting. 


The Mayor for a Day contest is intended to build on what students are learning about municipal government in their studies. It is also an opportunity to engage students in conversations about the municipal decision-making process and to better understand the challenges they face and the things that concern them the most.



“Meeting our new Mayor for a Day, Anna G., was such a wonderful experience. Her innovative ideas, curiosity and enthusiasm for making our city a better place were incredible. The young residents of Vaughan are engaged and keen to make a difference; our city’s future is in good hands. I want to thank Anna for joining me at City Hall today, and on behalf of the City of Vaughan and Members of Council, congratulate her on being our 2024 Mayor for a Day.”

- Mayor Steven Del Duca


Quick facts

  • Vaughan’s Mayor for a Day contest was open to students in grades 5 to 8; the submission deadline was April 22, 2024. 
  • Each entrant was asked to submit two ideas on improving Vaughan, and a selection committee reviewed all the contest entries to determine the winner.