More Community Safety Zones coming to Vaughan


Road safety is a leading priority for the City of Vaughan – especially when it comes to protecting our most vulnerable road users. Starting this week, you will see new Community Safety Zones being implemented across the city, including all school zones. 


Here’s everything you need to know about what they are and how they work:


What is a Community Safety Zone?

A Community Safety Zone is a designated stretch of roadway marked with provincially legislated signs where public safety is of special concern. This can include roadways near schools, neighbourhoods, daycare centres, playgrounds, parks, hospitals and seniors’ residences. A Community Safety Zone is meant to encourage drivers to slow down and improve safety for all road users. 


How do they work?

The purpose of a Community Safety Zone is to indicate to drivers that they are within a zone where fines are increased through a special designation under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. “Begins” and “Ends” signs are posted to show the legal speed limits within the area. The rules of the road do not change within a Community Safety Zone; however the penalties for violations are increased.


Who picks the zones and how?

On Dec. 12, 2023, Council endorsed the Community Safety Zones Policy (PDF), which outlines a two-step process for the City to identify and determine the suitability of a location as a Community Safety Zone.


Sites were selected based on the:

  • traffic volume, including heavy truck traffic.
  • number of traffic lanes.
  • sidewalk length.
  • number of bus stops.
  • traffic speeds and posted speed limits.
  • collision history.


Under the policy, all school zones in Vaughan will be designated Community Safety Zones.


How many Community Safety Zones will Vaughan have?

Vaughan currently has 11 Community Safety Zones and will grow to 104 Community Safety Zones (encompassing 233 individual streets). View a list of all Community Safety Zones in Vaughan (PDF).


When will all the signs be posted?

Installation of signage for the new zones has begun. All new signs should be in place by the end of this summer. 


Will the City implement additional Community Safety Zones in the future?
City staff will continue to assess Vaughan’s road network and propose new Community Safety Zones based on the Community Safety Zones Policy. 


How does this connect to MoveSmart

Community Safety Zones are part of the MoveSmart Mobility Management Strategy (MoveSmart) and reinforce the City’s commitment to Transportation and Mobility – a strategic priority in the 2022-2026 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan. MoveSmart focuses on improving the municipal road network, enhancing road safety and supporting more cycling and pedestrian infrastructure to create fully connected and integrated communities. The strategy will be reviewed and updated every five years with other transportation plans to ensure it remains relevant in addressing the city’s transportation needs and priorities. Progress on its implementation is reported annually to Council. For more information, visit


To learn more about Community Safety Zones in Vaughan,


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