Prepare for potential flooding

City of Vaughan
With warmer weather on the way, please clear catch basins and avoid rivers and streams

With warmer temperatures and rain in the forecast, the City of Vaughan is preparing to respond to flooding – and there are steps you can take to be prepared and stay safe!

Please expect water levels and flows in rivers and streams in Vaughan to be higher than normal. The City encourages you to avoid bodies of water as these weather conditions can result in fast-flowing cold water and slippery or unstable banks.

Stay alert and follow these important safety precautions in rainy weather:

  • Stay away from streams, rivers, shorelines and stormwater ponds.
  • Exercise caution around all bridges, culverts, dams, bodies of water and valley banks.
  • Avoid areas that may be experiencing flooding or erosion, including trails by water.
  • Do not drive in or walk through flooded areas.
  • Alert children of these dangers and supervise their activities.
  • Keep pets away from bodies of water.

It’s also important for everyone to work together to help prevent water ponding or flooding due to blocked or concealed catch basins. Catch basins need to be kept clear to allow for proper stormwater drainage – especially during rainfall and temperature fluctuations. The resident living closest to a catch basin is encouraged to help clear it of snow, ice and other debris if it’s safe to do so.

If flooding does occur in your home, do not walk into a flooded basement. Instead, contact Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service’s non-emergency line at 905-832-8506 to report active flooding. Responders will come and assess the situation. If you believe the situation is dangerous, call 911.

Unpredictable weather conditions could lead to a power outage – are you prepared? It may seem like a daunting task to get ready for an emergency, but you likely have most – if not all – of the suggested items and tools at home already.

The following items should be included in an emergency kit:

  • backpack, duffel bag or storage bin (to hold emergency kit items)
  • battery-operated radio
  • blankets or sleeping bags
  • candles in a safety container and waterproof matches/lighter
  • canned food (soups, stews, pasta, etc.) and a manual can opener
  • change of clothes (one per person)
  • crackers, biscuits, peanut butter, jam, instant coffee, tea, granola bars, trail mix (or any high protein snacks)
  • colouring books, games and playing cards
  • duct tape and aluminum foil
  • first aid kit
  • flashlight
  • important personal documents (identification, passports, insurance, etc.)
  • non-prescription medications
  • old cotton bed sheet
  • permanent markers
  • plastic garbage bags
  • spare batteries
  • toilet paper and personal hygiene supplies
  • water (four litres per person, per day)
  • whistle

Don’t forget your pets! Ensure you have food, water, toys and a leash for them in your emergency kit. If the power does go out, you can contact Alectra Utilities by calling 1-833-253-2872 to report the outage. In an emergency, it is important to be prepared for anything, including potentially needing to evacuate if directed to by the City. More information is also available on the City’s website.

City staff continue to monitor Environment Canada alerts and will mobilize services needed to respond to urgent matters and ensure the safety of citizens before, during and after a weather event.

For information on the City’s winter weather operations, visit Visit the City’s Emergency Planning webpage for information on safety protocols.

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