Preserving the Maple Heritage Conservation District

Take a survey to learn more and provide input until Jan. 21, 2022  

The City of Vaughan is working to preserve the history and integrity of the Maple Heritage Conservation District. The area’s unique culture, design, streetscapes, landscapes and architecture are an important part of what makes Vaughan a dynamic and attractive place to live, work, play and retire. To continue to protect the area’s heritage, all while planning for the future, the City has initiated an update of the Maple Heritage Conservation District Plan – and you can get involved. Visit to participate in an online survey, learn more about the City’s plan and share your thoughts. The survey will remain open until Friday, Jan. 21, 2022.
The Maple Heritage Conservation District (PDF), located along Keele Street and Major Mackenzie Drive, includes portions of the historic village of Maple. A Heritage Conservation District is an area that is protected by a municipal by-law (passed under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act), which provides a framework for conserving heritage resources, such as individual buildings, landscapes, streetscapes and neighbourhoods. It does this by creating policies and supporting design guidelines to manage change, guide new development within the district and ensure the conservation of the features that define the district’s history. The existing Maple Heritage Conservation District Plan (PDF) was approved in 2007; the 2021 update will provide a clear path for conservation for the future and will consider the community’s long-term vision for the neighbourhood, relevant policies, objectives and design guidelines. The updated plan will also align with changes to the Ontario Heritage Act, which took effect on Jan. 1, 2021.
The first phase of the City’s plan update, the study, was completed earlier this year. A virtual Public Information Session was also held on Dec. 15, 2021 to update citizens on the plan’s progress and collect community feedback – and there is still time to have your say. An online survey will be available until Friday, Jan. 21, 2022 at Take the survey to learn more about the district, understand the purpose of the project, review the proposed plan, policies, guidelines and more. Your input will help inform the City’s Maple Heritage Conservation District Plan Update.
In addition to the survey, there are other ways to provide input and stay informed:
For more information, visit