Rain needs to drain!

Catch basin with leaves

Clear debris from catch basins near your home to prevent flooding

With heavy rain in the forecast, the City of Vaughan is encouraging you to clear catch basins near your home, if it’s safe to do so! If they are blocked or covered in debris, it can cause water to pond or flood the streets because there is nowhere for the rain to drain.


The City is ready to respond to potential flooding – and there are steps you can take to be prepared and stay safe!


With heavy rain, expect water levels and flows in rivers and streams in Vaughan to be higher than normal. Avoid bodies of water as these weather conditions can result in fast-flowing cold water and slippery or unstable banks. Stay alert and follow these important safety precautions in rainy weather:


  • Alert children of these dangers and supervise their activities.
  • Avoid areas that may be experiencing flooding or erosion, including trails by water.
  • Do not drive in or walk through flooded areas.
  • Exercise caution around all bridges, culverts, dams, bodies of water and valley banks.
  • Keep pets away from bodies of water.
  • Stay away from streams, rivers, shorelines and stormwater ponds.


To report sewer or street flooding, call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or email service@vaughan.ca.


For information on the City’s water services, visit vaughan.ca/water.


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