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Looking for a way to stay informed about what’s happening in your neighbourhood? The best way to know what’s going on in Vaughan is through the Mayor and Members of Council’s eNewsletters!


These eNewsletters provide timely information and news from your community. Topics can include events, weather alerts, engagement opportunities, disruption notices, public meetings, community programs and so much more. And since news is distributed directly from your Mayor, local Ward Councillors or Regional Councillors, the information you receive will be specific for the area you live in.


Visit to sign up for your preferred eNewsletters today and start getting news sent straight to your inbox!


Need help? Watch this video for step-by-step instructions.


Not sure which ward you live in? View a map of Vaughan’s current ward boundaries.


For municipal updates and news from the City of Vaughan, subscribe to Vaughan News and follow the official corporate channels on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.