‘Spring’ into Vaughan’s new recreation programs

City of Vaughan
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Registration is now open for a wide range of virtual opportunities and in-person April Break camps
Spring is around the corner, and that means new recreation programs! To help keep everyone active, the City of Vaughan has released a spring Recreation eGuide featuring the biggest line-up ever of virtual programs, livestreamed via Zoom. There’s something fun for everyone! Choose from creative, culinary and performing arts, to fitness and sports, science and technology, and leadership and life skills.
The Recreation Services department is also offering modified in-person April Break camps, aquatic leadership courses and special needs programs at select community centres. Online registration starts today at vaughan.perfectmind.com.
Virtual spring and April Break recreation programming
Blossom into something new by joining a virtual spring or April Break program, livestreamed via Zoom. Programs will cover a variety of areas of interest, including:
  • Baking and cooking  
  • Arts and crafts and slime making
  • STEM and LEGO
  • Ballet, hip hop and musical theatre
  • Basketball and ninja training
  • Disney-inspired workouts
  • Money management, resume-writing and job interview skills
  • Filmmaking workshops
  • Kindergarten readiness series  
Virtual spring programs start April 5 and run once a week for up to 10 weeks, for 45 minutes to one hour. Virtual April Break programs for children run April 12-16 for 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. A list of materials and supplies will be emailed to participants in advance. Assistance from a parent or guardian may be required. Program details and direct links to online registration are available at vaughan.ca/recreation.
Aquatic leadership programs: virtual and in-pool
Registration is open to those interested in receiving training and certification to become a lifeguard or swim instructor through the City’s modified aquatic leadership programs. Programs feature online learning via Zoom, beginning in April, followed by an in-pool component in June.
For online learning, all theory will take place virtually in April. A participant information package, supply list (if applicable) and Zoom link to the program will be emailed in advance. Times listed are for the online learning component, which occurs prior to the in-pool practical learning. The duration of in-pool times is longer; details will be provided by the instructor during the first class. For guidelines and more information on online learning, visit vaughan.ca/swim.
In-person April Break camps
The City is offering a modified in-person April Break Adventures camp at select community centres to keep kids active, entertained and safe throughout the school break. In-person programming will feature daily activities geared towards children aged six to 12 years, including outdoor play (weather permitting), games, arts and crafts, and special-themed days. A Spring FUNtastic Camp, featuring indoor and outdoor activities, is available for individuals with different abilities and special needs.
With no more than eight campers, each group will be assigned its own space for defined activity periods and a designated camp counsellor who will remain with the same group of children all week. For more information on modified in-person programming or COVID-19 safety guidelines, visit vaughan.ca/camps. 
In-person special needs programming
This spring, the City will also be providing in-person recreation special needs programming. As a result of the pandemic, some people living with disabilities and their families have experienced the effects of social isolation and lack of access to support services. Providing in-person recreation opportunities in a controlled group setting will help support individuals with special needs to lead inclusive, fulfilling lives. Several in-person special needs programs – delivered by the City’s integration staff under heightened precautionary procedures – are scheduled to run at Dufferin Clark Community Centre, North Thornhill Community Centre and Vellore Village Community Centre starting Saturday, April 17. The programs focus on life skills and social interaction with fun daily activities, including baking, scrapbooking, dancing, bocce, cards, games and sports.
For the health and safety of all participants, registrations must be screened according to COVID-19 public health safety guidelines. Participants will be waitlisted in the program upon registration. Integration staff will then contact the parent or guardian to assess the needs of their child and identify their eligibility for the program. They will then be asked to complete a COVID-19 Intake Assessment form and the enrollment process.
The in-person programming complements a robust schedule of virtual special needs programs, including an educational series, as well as fitness, music, dance and gymnastics programs.
For more information, email specialneeds@vaughan.ca.
Registration is now open and ongoing until the start of programs. Recreation Services has temporarily transitioned to online registration only to eliminate paper touchpoints. Registration is available at vaughan.perfectmind.com.
Those who feel unwell, and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19, should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on the virus, visit York Region's website at york.ca/COVID19.
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