City of Vaughan
Go online and have your say on Vaughan’s priorities for the next four years

The City of Vaughan values the feedback and opinions of residents to help identify and advance issues that matter most to them. That’s why the survey deadline for the City’s new Term of Council (2022-2026) Service Excellence Strategic Plan has been extended! Until Wednesday, Aug. 31, take the online survey and have your say on Vaughan’s priorities over the next four years.

City-building is a collective effort, which is why citizens are encouraged to get involved and play a meaningful role in ensuring Vaughan continues to be a great place to live, work and play. Extending the deadline for the Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan survey provides an extra opportunity to take the time to provide meaningful feedback that will help make an impact on the community for years to come.

Service Excellence Strategic Plan

The Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan identifies the strategic priorities that the administration will focus on to support Vaughan as a city of choice for residents and businesses.

Each four-year Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan incrementally contributes toward the achievement of the Vaughan Vision and builds off the success of the previous plan to continue to align people, priorities, processes and technology. The plan outlines Vaughan's vision, mission and values, and identifies the strategic key activities staff will focus on to enable the execution and implementation of projects related to Council's commitments to citizens.

The City's budget and business plan processes are aligned with the Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan to position the City to deliver on Council-approved priorities while continuing to keep the tax rate increase among the lowest in the Greater Toronto Area.

As the City of Vaughan continues on its Service Excellence Journey, measuring the progress of this strategic plan is a priority. Annual progress reports are provided to Members of Council and the community each year and include current performance measures as well as milestones and achievements.

For more information on the Service Excellence Strategic Plan, visit

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