Update: Committee and Council meetings continue online in May

City of Vaughan
Citizens can now make a Skype deputation for items on the agenda
The City of Vaughan recognizes the importance of protecting the citizens of Vaughan from the global COVID-19 pandemic, while also moving the city forward. Supporting this direction, electronic-participation Committee of the Whole and Council meetings will continue this month. 
Public consultation is an important part of the planning and city-building process. Vaughan Council is committed to ensuring a fulsome and transparent public consultation process while safeguarding the health and safety of all staff and citizens until in-person meetings are permitted. While Vaughan City Hall remains closed to the public, citizens can participate in meetings and have their say by: 
  • submitting a written communication for review by Members of Council as part of an agenda item. All written communications can be emailed to the Office of the City Clerk at clerks@vaughan.ca.

  • making a live electronic deputation via Skype during the meeting. To pre-register to make an electronic deputation at the meeting, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at clerks@vaughan.ca or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281
Requests must be received by noon on the last business day before the meeting.  
The communications must:
  • relate to a matter on the agenda.
  • clearly state the request or message trying to be conveyed. 
  • include name and contact information.
Please be advised, the name and address for any citizens submitting a communication – written or electronic – will appear in the public record and will be posted online following the meeting. For more information about submitting a communication or making a deputation, visit vaughan.ca/HaveYourSay. Questions regarding this process can be directed to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or accessvaughan@vaughan.ca 
Upcoming Committee of the Whole and Council meetings can be viewed at vaughan.ca/CouncilMeetings.
The following meetings are scheduled to take place this month:
  • Committee of the Whole Working Session – Tuesday, May 12 at 10 a.m.
  • Committee of the Whole – Wednesday, May 20 at 2 p.m.
  • Council Meeting – Wednesday, May 27 at 2 p.m. 
The previously scheduled Committee of the Whole Public Hearings for Wednesday, May 20 and Tuesday, May 26 will not proceed this month but are planned to resume in June. Notice will be provided once dates are confirmed.  
Citizens can tune in to the meetings by watching the live broadcast available at vaughan.ca/LiveCouncil 
To stay up to date on the latest updates as they happen, frequently check vaughan.ca/COVID19. Residents are also encouraged to sign up for the City Update eNewsletter at vaughan.ca/CityUpdate, and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels. 
Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on COVID-19, visit York Region's website at york.ca/COVID19. 