Vaughan business community comes together virtually

City of Vaughan
Register now for the 19th annual Vaughan Business Expo

The City of Vaughan is continuously working to support businesses and entrepreneurs throughout 2021 with resources and virtual networking opportunities, including the 19th annual Vaughan Business Expo presented by Allstate Canada.
On Tuesday, Feb. 23, business professionals and entrepreneurs are invited to attend the Expo online in partnership with FedDev Ontario Small Business Services. It will be a full day of workshops and panels with leading business experts to provide entrepreneurs with information and inspiration to help their companies grow. Register online now at to attend and explore upcoming opportunities, network with the local business community and create meaningful connections.
Those attending virtually will experience focused programming and panel discussions on relevant topics, such as how to do business with government, the future of fulfilment and transformative technology, discussing trends and opportunities that are shaping smart cities.
The Expo will be an opportunity to speak with local industry leaders, build relationships and discuss new and bold ideas to grow businesses today and plan for the future to ensure success tomorrow. In addition to the exhibition, attendees will hear from Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and a keynote address, The Importance of Going Global: Tapping into International Markets in the Growing Digital Economy, presented by Paul Gaspar, Director of Small Business with UPS Canada.
Those interested in attending the 2021 Vaughan Business Expo can register online or learn more at
The virtual Expo is just one of many ways the City is supporting the local business community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Open for Business
The voluntary Open for Business online directory includes both essential services and businesses that are open or providing modified operations by phone, online, takeout or delivery in compliance with provincial and municipal regulations. Vaughan businesses interested in being included in the list must apply and can do so through this online form.
Vaughan Business Resilience Plan
The City launched the Vaughan Business Resilience Plan (PDF) in June as an immediate and long-term plan to help Vaughan’s business community build capacity to adapt to the post-COVID-19 world.
Through this plan, the Economic and Cultural Development department is:
  • helping businesses and the economy build resilience.
  • building resilience into key economic opportunities and strategic sectors like healthcare, supply-chain and manufacturing, and tourism.
  • sharing Vaughan’s reimagined public spaces within physical distancing guidelines and inviting the community to experience Vaughan’s culture and arts. 
For more information, visit
Advisory consultations
The Economic and Cultural Development team continues to offer advisory consultations via tele- or video-conference, email and phone. They also host new and educational webinars. For information, additional resources or to book a consultation, visit
To receive the City’s latest COVID-19 updates as they happen, sign up for the City Update eNewsletter at and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels.
Those who feel unwell, and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19, should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.