Vaughan marks ongoing progress with commitment to Service Excellence for citizens and businesses

Latest public update tracks successes and helps ensure financial accountability

The Service Excellence Journey continues. The City of Vaughan is proud to report tremendous progress made on the strategic plan that was introduced in 2015. With the creation of the Service Excellence Journey brochure, citizens are informed of highlights on the progress Vaughan Council has made on their strategic goals throughout this Term of Council.

The Service Excellence strategic plan was developed to help align the City’s priorities, people, budgets, processes and technology to deliver on what we heard from citizens. With new and expanded services in place to meet the needs of our thriving community, the City has experienced many organizational accomplishments that have helped to improve efficiency, maintain transparency and be financially responsible. For the first time through this refreshed strategic plan, Council can measure and track the progress made on their priorities and goals, while keeping the tax rates low.  

To read about Vaughan’s Service Excellence Journey and learn about the progress Vaughan Council has made throughout this term, please see the Service Excellence Journey brochure (PDF).
“Our Service Excellence Strategy was created to position Vaughan at the forefront of 21st century cities. The Vaughan we are building is a city with limitless potential – from the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre to preparing for our future hospital, momentum continues to grow for Vaughan’s promising future. Our success is the result of hard work, focus and a dedication to city-building. I look forward to building on our shared successes, and our pledge to the people of Vaughan that the best is yet to come.”
- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
  • Vaughan Council continues to ensure one of the lowest tax rates in Canada; a tax rate increase of no more than 3 per cent
  • Vaughan is one of the safest communities in Canada
  • Vaughan Council approved more than 6,700 new residential units in the VMC
  • 97 per cent of citizens found quality of life to be either good or very good in the 2016 Citizen Survey
  • TTC line 1 Subway Extension opened for public ridership in 2017
  • More than 23,000 new jobs were created
  • More than 16,000 trees have been planted as part of the City’s tree replacement plan  
