Vaughan prepares to welcome more community centre users

City of Vaughan
Come prepared with proof of identification and vaccination handy


The City of Vaughan is preparing to welcome more people through the doors of its community centres following the Ontario government’s Friday, Oct. 22 release of A Plan to Safely Reopen Ontario and Manage COVID-19 for the Long-Term, which outlines the Province’s gradual approach to lifting remaining COVID-19 public health and workplace safety measures by March 2022.   

Effective Monday, Oct. 25, Ontario will lift capacity limits in the vast majority of settings where proof of vaccination is required, such as restaurants, bars and other food or drink establishments; indoor areas of sports and recreational facilities such as gyms and where personal physical fitness trainers provide instruction; casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments; and indoor meeting and event spaces. Limits will also be lifted in certain outdoor settings.

What does this mean for Vaughan’s community centre users?

This direction means the City will begin allowing more patrons to enter its recreational facilities and remove social distancing requirements. While these changes are being operationalized – including hiring additional staff to support this increased usage – please remember that pre-registration is still required at this time for all community centre activities, including recreational and length swims, aquafitness classes, fitness workouts and fitness classes. For more information, visit

Masks continue to be mandatory when entering, exiting and travelling throughout City facilities, and while watching and/or waiting for participants in programs. Masks must be worn while participating in programs, except during physical activity.

What about proof of vaccination?

As of Sept. 22, 2021, Ontarians are required to be fully vaccinated with proof of vaccination along with ID to access certain public settings and facilities – including community and fitness centres. The enhanced vaccine certificate with an official QR code and the free Verify Ontario app are now available for download, making it easier, more secure and convenient for individuals to provide proof of vaccination where required to do so.

The following proof of identification is acceptable for those aged 18 and older (note, photo ID is not required) –

  • Birth certificate
  • Citizenship card
  • Driver’s licence
  • Government (Ontario or other) issued identification card, including health card
  • Indian Status Card/Indigenous Membership Card
  • Passport
  • Permanent Resident card

In accordance with York Region Public Health and a Letter of Instruction, effective Friday, Oct. 1, all individuals aged 12 years and older who are entering an indoor municipal recreation facility, where organized sports are played and/or practiced, must provide identification and proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or a valid medical exemption. Enforcement of this direction will begin on Monday, Nov. 1, following a one-month education period.

The following proof of identification is acceptable for those aged 12-17:

  • Documentation issued by an institution or public body provided it includes their name and date of birth
  • Examples include:
    • Health card
    • Library card
    • Student ID

Individuals with a medical exemption are required to present identification and appropriate written documentation from a medical doctor or registered nurse stating the individual is exempt for a medical reason and the time period for the medical reason.

Come prepared!

Be ready to show proof of vaccination and proof of identification at the designated entrance. Please be patient and arrive early – at least 15 minutes in advance – to avoid being late for a workout or program. City staff are doing their best to make this check-in as seamless as possible.

Join our team

With increasing capacity limits come the need to hire additional staff to support community centre users. Do you have creative or culinary skills or are you a master at playing chess? Are you a wellness guru or do you like to dance? If so, then apply now to work at the City. The Recreation Services department is hiring part-time program instructors and skate attendants for its fall recreation programs. The job postings are available on the City’s website until Friday, Dec. 31. For more information, including eligibility and details on the job application process, visit

For more information, visit the City’s COVID-19 webpage at

Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on the virus, visit York Region's website at

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