Virtual business services continue

City of Vaughan
Snow, rain or shine, the City’s Economic Development team is here to support you any time!

With the City of Vaughan’s second declared Significant Weather Event of the season underway, the City is reminding residents, businesses and entrepreneurs that its Economic Development team is here to support your business virtually.

Here are some ways businesses can engage with the City for support and guidance … in any weather!

Advisory consultations

The Economic Development team continues to offer advisory consultations to entrepreneurs and businesses of all stages and sizes via tele- or video-conference, email and phone. For information, additional resources or to book a consultation, visit

Open for Business

Created with the By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services team, the voluntary Open for Business online directory includes services and Vaughan-based businesses that are open or providing modified operations by phone, online, takeout or delivery in compliance with provincial and municipal regulations. Vaughan businesses interested in being included in the list must apply through this online form.

Training and education

Businesses and entrepreneurs can use the City as a resource to find ongoing training and education to move their business online, pivot their strategy or start anew. The Economic Development department also promotes virtual webinars, seminars and classes from different organizations. There is something for everyone. To learn more about upcoming events, visit

To keep up with the City’s newest business resources and initiatives, sign up for the Economic Development department’s eNewsletter at

Stay up to date with the latest pandemic response efforts by frequently checking the City’s COVID-19 webpage at For updates and news as they happen, subscribe to Vaughan News and follow the official corporate channels on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
