Volunteer recognized for making baseball accessible to children with special needs

City of Vaughan

Ward 5 Civic Hero Award presented to Perry Brock

As a lifelong baseball fan who has been involved with the game for more than 40 years, Perry Brock believes everyone should have an opportunity to play. He has worked as the convener for the Thornhill Baseball Club’s Diamond Division for almost a decade to ensure that children of all abilities can participate and have fun. In recognition of his efforts to make baseball accessible to special needs children, Brock was presented with the Civic Hero Award for Ward 5 by Vaughan Council yesterday.
The Diamond Division allows kids with developmental challenges to enjoy the benefits of a safe athletic environment that is structured to their abilities. Parents take part in the game with their children, and learn the fundamentals of baseball and how it feels to be part of a team.
“It is inspiring to see the amazing volunteer ethic we have in the City of Vaughan. We take pride in being a diverse community that is inclusive and encourages active participation in civic life. It is people like Perry Brock who understand the value of public service and know that everyone should have a chance to participate no matter their ability level. He is an outstanding example of someone who believes in the power of giving back and that by working together, we are moving this City forward without leaving anyone behind.”
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
Vaughan is a better place thanks to Perry Brock. He acted on his passion to help young people who are developmentally challenged by creating an opportunity for them to play like other kids. His long-term commitment to his initiative has resulted in many hundreds of young people gaining skills and confidence in their abilities. As important, the Diamond Division involves members of the families to also take part, on the field, with their children. Attending a game and watching everyone have such a great time is invigorating and inspiring. Perry embodies everything a civic hero should be, and I thank him for his efforts to make our City more inclusive and accessible for everyone.”​
-Ward 5 Councillor Alan Shefman
  • The Civic Hero Award is presented annually to residents from each of Vaughan’s five wards
  • The awards recognize outstanding achievement and individual contributions to the community