Ward 2 Civic Hero Award presented to Father Michael Corcione

City of Vaughan
Longtime priest at St. Peter’s Parish recognized for a life of service and community building 

During a ceremonial presentation at today's Council Meeting, Mayor and Members of Council recognized Father Michael Corcione as the recipient of the 2022 Ward 2 Civic Hero Award. 

Vaughan's Civic Hero Awards are presented annually to a resident from each of the City's five wards. The Awards began in 2005 and recognize outstanding achievement and individual contributions to the community. 

Father Michael Corcione served as head pastor at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church in Woodbridge for more than 20 years. He has been a passionate advocate for community building by supporting underprivileged communities in Vaughan and beyond with gift cards, winter clothing and care packages. He has championed many altruistic initiatives and events, including an international relief mission for Haitian refugees living in the Dominican Republic and fundraising projects to support the church such as barbeques, pasta nights and the popular annual passion play. 

Father Michael’s formal role at St. Peter’s Parish concluded in September 2022. He will be remembered by parishioners as their beloved Father Mike – a charismatic community leader with the unique ability to bring people together. 

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