Watch Vaughan’s Volunteer Recognition Awards virtually

City of Vaughan
Forty-two outstanding volunteers to receive this honour tonight

The City of Vaughan’s Volunteer Recognition Awards is an annual event that honours the outstanding contributions of local volunteers. This year, due to COVID-19, the ceremony will be held virtually tonight at 7 p.m. at 

Not-for-profit organizations and community groups were encouraged to nominate one outstanding volunteer from 2019 whose passion and actions have made a positive impact in the community. This year, 42 recipients will be recognized, and each received, via mail, a volunteer recognition certificate, congratulatory letter and lapel pin from Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. 

Awards will be presented to recipients whose dedication to assisting others has been exceptional. Volunteers are recognized for their generous community service in donating their time and energy to important causes, contributing to the success and quality of life in the city of Vaughan and beyond. 


Volunteering is the ultimate form of public service. Strong communities are built with the help of devoted volunteers who offer their time, energy and talents to inspire hope for a brighter future. We have a long and proud history of volunteerism in Vaughan. Our citizens truly embody the spirit of generosity and, through their dedicated efforts, are making a positive difference in our city and beyond. We are blessed to be home to many organizations that, through the help of volunteers, make an invaluable contribution to our vibrant community life. To each of this year’s honourees, please accept my warmest and sincerest gratitude and appreciation for everything you have done and continue to do in these unprecedented times. Your unwavering dedication speaks to the compassionate, kind-hearted and caring nature within our community, and it gives me hope for tomorrow.”

- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua


  • Forty-two recipients will be recognized, and each received, via mail, a volunteer recognition certificate, congratulatory letter and lapel pin from Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua.
  • Awards will be presented to youth aged 13 to 24 years old and to adults over the age of 25 whose dedication to assisting others has been exceptional.
  • Initially, the Volunteer Recognition Awards Ceremony 2020 event was to be held in-person on Wednesday, April 22 when Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council would have recognized the efforts of all the volunteers at a special ceremony at Vaughan City Hall. The event is now being held online in response to COVID-19.
  • To stay up to date on the latest updates as they happen, residents are encouraged to sign up for the City Update eNewsletter at and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels.
  • Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on COVID-19, visit York Region's website at 

