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New City website highlights programs, services and resources for businesses
Today, the City of Vaughan launched a new website geared at igniting economic prosperity by communicating with current and potential business audiences in a more dynamic way.
Available at vaughanbusiness.ca, this initiative by the Economic and Cultural Development (ECD) department features user-friendly access to their programs, services, research products and marketing messages. It provides information and resources for businesses within and surrounding Vaughan and to the diverse community of entrepreneurs, prospective investors, site selectors, realtors and potential residents.
The website, which includes new economic development branding, reflects the City’s commitment to economic prosperity, investment and social capital, a priority in the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan.
For business owners in Vaughan looking for support during the global pandemic, it also features a COVID-19 section with information about the measures and programs implemented by the City to support the local economy at this challenging time.
Here are some of the latest initiatives put in place to support local businesses.
Vaughan Business Action Plan
On March 17, the City launched the Vaughan Business Action Plan – which includes a series of measures to support businesses, consumers and all citizens. The City’s ECD department is available to support local businesses and entrepreneurs online or by phone to help access resources from the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario. Learn more at vaughanbusiness.ca.
Open for Business
The Open for Business online directory lists local businesses that are open during the current state of emergency.
The voluntary listing includes both essential services and businesses that are open or providing modified operations by phone, online, takeout or delivery in compliance with provincial and municipal regulations. Vaughan businesses interested in being included in the list must apply and can do so through this online form.
On April 9, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua launched the #ShopVaughanLocal campaign. Residents looking to do their part to support the local economy can do so by shopping remotely with local businesses and restaurants with #ShopVaughanLocal. Citizens are encouraged to do any of the following to show their support for small businesses in Vaughan:
- Order takeout or delivery from a local restaurant
- Buy gift cards for use at a later date
- Order from local businesses online
- Share your local love using #ShopVaughanLocal on social media
- Access government supports for businesses at vaughanbusiness.ca
Business licence renewals
A grace period of 90 days has also been established for business licence renewals. Licensees may defer renewal of their existing business licence up to 90 days past the expiry date of their licence. New businesses are still required to be licensed. New licence applications may be submitted by email to bylaw@vaughan.ca, along with scanned copies of required documentation. Payments can be made by cheque and mailed to Vaughan City Hall at 2141 Major Mackenzie Dr., Vaughan, ON, L6A 1T1.
To receive the City’s latest COVID-19 updates as they happen, visit vaughan.ca/COVID19, sign up for the City Update eNewsletter at vaughan.ca/CityUpdate and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels.
Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.