The Weston 7 area is changing

City of Vaughan
Get involved in planning for future growth by emailing feedback before Dec. 10  

The Weston Road and Highway 7 area is changing. As one of Vaughan’s intensification areas, the City’s Weston 7 Secondary Plan aims to transform it into a distinct and complete community with commercial and retail opportunities, entertainment destinations, open spaces, services and facilities and more, all within walking distance to the Highway 7 Rapidway. Evolving the area to include housing and job options, and prioritizing active and sustainable transportation is also envisioned – and your input is needed.
Previously, the community was invited to attend a virtual Public Meeting to learn more and get involved in the City’s growth planning for the area – including the Weston 7 Secondary Plan Study and the supporting Weston 7 Transportation Master Plan Study. These presentation materials and a video recording of the session are available at
Now until Friday, Dec. 10, citizens are encouraged to continue the conversation by submitting written comments via email at Residents can review all available materials on the project webpage and consider the following when providing feedback:
  • What should travel should look like in the Weston 7 area over the next 30 years?
  • How can trips be shifted towards taking transit, walking and cycling versus by car?
  • What challenges are currently experienced when traveling around Weston 7?
Weston 7 Secondary Plan Study
The Secondary Plan will guide redevelopment of the area by creating a policy framework for growth. The Secondary Plan process will:
  • develop a comprehensive planning and urban design framework that includes transportation, servicing, open space, community services and facilities.
  • ensure proposed development is of a size, use, composition and configuration that provides a positive relationship to adjacent communities.
  • develop the land use plan and secondary plan for Council consideration. 
Weston 7 Transportation Master Plan Study
A Transportation Master Plan is being undertaken in support of the Secondary Plan. The transportation plan will recommend a multi-modal transportation plan that:
  • addresses connectivity
  • develops a multi-modal network
  • integrates the area’s existing transit system
  • identifies new policies
  • outlines future projects
  • proposes an implementation strategy
To learn more about the studies or get involved, visit