What to know before the next snow

City of Vaughan
Residents are encouraged to take steps to ensure winter operations run smoothly

With many more weeks of winter still ahead, we can expect to see more snowfalls in the forecast. The City of Vaughan’s winter crews are ready to take them on – but could use some help. If you have a catch basin, fire hydrant or sidewalk near your property, you can help clear it of snow and ice to keep operations running smoothly.

Catch basins should be kept clear to allow for proper stormwater drainage as snow melts – this helps to prevent flooding on roads during temperature fluctuations. The resident living closest to a catch basin is encouraged to help clear it of snow and ice to help prevent flooding if it is safe to do so.

If there is a fire hydrant on or near the property of your home or business, you are encouraged to clear it of snow and ice (one metre all around) so firefighters can easily access it in the event of a fire as stated in the City’s By-law 177-2016 (PDF).

Clearing sidewalks around your home is another way you can help ensure Vaughan’s winter operations run smoothly and efficiently. Clear snow and ice from sidewalks bordering your property within 24 hours after snowfall has ended to help ensure roads and sidewalks remain safe as stated in the City’s By-law 300-93 (PDF).

When shovelling your laneway or sidewalk, or removing snow from a catch basin or fire hydrant, remember not to dump it onto the public roadway. If you have hired a contractor to plow your laneway or sidewalk, ensure they do not leave snow on the road from their removal. It is illegal to shovel snow or ice onto the road. To learn more, read the Ontario Highway Traffic Act.

It is also important to set waste bins back from the curb approximately one metre on the right-hand side of the driveway (when facing the home). This set-out helps prevent waste materials from being knocked over or buried during snow clearing operations. Bins should never be placed on top of or behind snowbanks. These actions allow crews to safely collect waste and for plows to clear the snow effectively and efficiently in residential areas. 

While you’re clearing snow, make sure you do not have parked cars on the street while snowplows are out. On-street parking is not permitted between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. in Vaughan or at any time when winter operations are in progress as per the City’s By-law 064-2019 (PDF). It’s also important to remove anything that may interfere with or be hazardous to plow crews – this includes landscaping features, such as fencing, basketball nets, decorative stones, pots, bird baths, furniture and more.

Stay informed!

For more information on the City’s winter operations, visit vaughan.ca/snow. For additional details and to receive the latest information on Vaughan’s winter operations:
