What should the future of the Vaughan Mills Centre look like?

City of Vaughan
Take the online survey until Aug. 14, 2020
The City of Vaughan is undertaking a study to develop the Vaughan Mills Centre Public Realm and Streetscape Plan, which will serve as a comprehensive guide to promote high-quality public spaces and streetscape development around this area. Citizens and stakeholders are invited to participate in an online survey to share their thoughts on the existing space and provide feedback on what they would like to see in the future.
The area around Vaughan Mills mall, known as the Vaughan Mills Centre, is evolving. As this is a bustling place for people who live, work and play there, the City is exploring ways to enhance the area and create a safe, accessible and sustainable vision that reflects the needs of the community. The Vaughan Mills Centre Public Realm Streetscape Plan will establish a complete public space master plan that reflects this. It will also help build a framework to outline a detailed streetscape plan and guidelines for functional streets and open spaces that meet the needs of citizens and businesses in and around the Vaughan Mills Centre. The proposed designs and guidelines will also enhance the pedestrian and cycling environment along the streets, and within the parks and open spaces.
The study builds on and complements the Vaughan Mills Centre Secondary Plan, adopted by Vaughan Council in March 2014. This plan identified a vision for the area and established a current land use and urban design policy framework – this allows the area to evolve into a vibrant, urban destination that is pedestrian and cycling friendly, transit-supportive, and well connected to the larger community.
The City is asking residents and visitors to join the conversation – what does your ideal space look like? How do you get to and from Vaughan Mills mall? What would make your experience visiting this area even better? View the presentation, read more about the study and take the online survey at vaughan.ca/VaughanMillsPlan to help shape the future of the Vaughan Mills Centre. The survey will be available until Aug. 14, 2020.