You asked, we answered

City of Vaughan
COVID-19 Updates

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Access Vaughan answers the top five resident questions received in February

Have a question about a service in Vaughan? Want to report an issue? Looking for an update on the City’s COVID-19 response efforts? Access Vaughan is standing by with Citizen Service Representatives ready to respond to all resident inquiries. Reach the City’s contact centre by phone at 905-832-2281 (toll-free: 1-844-832-2112) or email at 

Every month, the City releases popular questions received and responded to by Access Vaughan in a series called ‘You Asked, We Answered.’ Below are the top five inquiries received in February. 

1. Why does my property tax bill show someone as an owner on the title when they were removed years ago? 

The City recently updated to a new property tax software. The old software tax account would list three 

names as provided by the owner of the property, but the hardcopy tax bill could only print two of those names. After the upgrade, if the three names are still on the tax account, the new software will print all three on the bill or statement. If you would like to change or update the ownership, the property owner must submit a request in writing. For more information, contact the tax office at 905-832-8502. 

2. What property tax pre-authorized payment plans are available and how can I sign up? 

Pre-authorized payments can be made two ways this year: in 10 monthly instalments or through the due date instalment plan. For 2021, the monthly instalment plan has 10 payments instead of the usual 11. The first automatic withdrawal date was on Monday, March 1. The City sent a bill to residents in February that outlined instalments from March 1 to July 1, and another bill will be sent in June outlining instalments from Aug. 1 to Dec. 1. In the due date instalment plan, the instalment amounts for the interim and final billing cycle are deducted from your bank account on each due date. To qualify for either payment plan, your tax account must be at a zero balance.  

You can sign up for these programs by filing a pre-authorized payment application form with the tax office. For additional information on property taxes and payment options, please contact the tax office at 905-832-8502 or visit 

3. Where can I purchase garbage tags, blue boxes or green bins? 

The Joint Operations Centre is closed to the public until further notice, but to continue to serve the community, the City sells garbage tags, blue boxes and green bins online through Service Vaughan. Tags are mailed to your home through Canada Post, and you can pay with Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Blue boxes cost $14 and green bins are $26.39, including home delivery. 

You can also register online through Service Vaughan to exchange damaged blue boxes and green bins with the City logo. For more information on waste services, visit 

4. How do I book or cancel a parking ticket dispute? 

Payments for penalties, such as parking tickets, can be made online via To arrange an alternative payment method or schedule a dispute appointment, call 905-832-2281 within 15 days of receiving the ticket. Scheduled disputes are being conducted over the phone until further notice. If you are unable to make a scheduled appointment, you can use an agent (PDF) to dispute the penalty on your behalf. Please call By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services at 905-832-2281 no later than 24 hours in advance to change or cancel a scheduled screening appointment. Learn more at 

5. How do I purchase a licence for my cat or dog? 

Licensing your four-legged friend can be done online. If this is your first time registering your pet, you can create an account by clicking “Start New Registration.” Existing registered owners can use a specific login found on your renewal letter or provided by contacting Animal Services at 905-832-2281. 

online. The City will notify existing registered owners at the time of renewal. 

When applying for a pet licence, please provide proof of your pet’s current rabies vaccine – which includes the rabies tag number, date of vaccination and name and address of your veterinary clinic – and any tattoo or microchip identification. 

For more information on licensing your furry friend, visit 

Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on COVID-19, including physical distancing tips and advice from Public Health officials, visit York Region's website at 

For more information about City matters, please call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or visit To receive the City’s latest updates as they happen, sign up for the City Update eNewsletter at and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 
