Your Snow Day questions answered

Everything you need to know about Vaughan’s response to today’s major snowfall

As City of Vaughan crews continue to work around the clock to clear local roads and sidewalks, the City is answering some of the top questions received today from residents.

Q. Why is the windrow-clearing machine leaving large piles of snow at the end of my driveway?
A. Windrow-clearing machines will clear enough space for vehicles to safely enter and exit the driveway – not the entire width of the driveway. The service does not clear windrows left by sidewalk plows and does not clear hardened snow, ice or the entire driveway. It is the responsibility of citizens to clear the small windrow across a driveway that is created by sidewalk plows. It’s illegal to shovel snow or ice onto the road – so be mindful of where you’re putting snow when you’re clearing your sidewalk or driveway. Read the Ontario Highway Traffic Act – section 181.

Q. When will the windrow machine come by my house?
A. Windrow-clearing service is typically completed on a street up to four hours after the snowplow has passed. Expect these timelines to be delayed today due to the amount of snow that has fallen. The City thanks residents for their patience as crews complete the cleanup.

Q. How long does it take for the plow to come to my street?
A. Once five centimetres (two inches) of snow have accumulated on the ground, our snowplows begin to service the streets. During a snowfall, we are focused on getting the City’s main roads cleared first so emergency and transit vehicles get where they need to go. Main roads, which are travelled more frequently, are plowed within four hours after snowfall has ended. Residential roads are plowed within 12 hours after snowfall has ended.

With the amount of snow that has fallen, the main roads will require a second round of plowing. Due to this, the timelines for residential roads will be impacted.

Q. The sidewalk has a lot of snow, when will it be cleared?
A. The City is currently working on plowing Vaughan’s main public sidewalks. Given the volume of snow, sidewalks on residential streets and paths in City parks will not be plowed until tomorrow. As a reminder, ​citizens are required to remove ice and snow on the sidewalk in front of or along their property by shovelling and/or throwing down salt. This must be done within 24 hours after snowfall has ended to ensure the community is safe for pedestrians. This applies to homeowners, as well as owners of vacant land, industrial or institutional buildings, whether occupied or unoccupied.

Q. There is lots of snow in my area, will it be removed?
A. City crews have been working around the clock to clear roads and sidewalks.  Snow removal operations are anticipated to be conducted later in the week in the Kleinburg, Woodbridge and Vaughan Metropolitan Centre areas to remove stockpiled snow as required.

Q. What is the current state of winter operations in Vaughan?
A. The City’s winter operations began on Sunday, Jan. 16 by preparing Vaughan’s streets for the storm and will continue until the early hours of the morning on Tuesday, Jan. 18. For additional details and to receive the latest information on Vaughan’s winter operations:
