Fee Assistance Programs

RecAssist is the City’s fee assistance program, which helps subsidize the cost of recreation programs and swim lessons for low-income individuals and families in Vaughan. RecAssist can help residents of every income level access quality active living opportunities and experiences. Some examples include:
- Children can learn a life-saving skill through swim lessons.
- Youth can take leadership courses that help qualify them for a job.
- A creative arts program can prevent a senior from feeling isolated.
To Qualify for RecAssist
- You must be a resident of Vaughan and provide proof of City of Vaughan residency via a copy of a property tax bill, utility bill, driver's license or similar documentation with your address.
- Have a combined total family income less than the Low Income Cut-offs (LICO).
- Submit a completed RecAssist Application Form with the previous year's income tax return (Notice of Assessment) attached for all income sources.
- Complete your own application if you are over 18 years of age.
Make a difference in your community
RecAssist is the City’s fee assistance program, which helps subsidize the cost of recreation programs and swim lessons for low-income individuals and families in Vaughan. 100% of donations go towards recipients. Tax receipts will be issued via email for donations of $25 or more.

York Region
York Region offers subsidies for recreation programs and day camps. Recreation programs and day camp subsidies provide children from families with low income the ability to take part in programs offered by the municipal recreation departments.
Please visit york.ca/recreationsubsidies or call Access York 1-877-464-9675 for more information and to see if you qualify. Applications for subsidy assistance must be submitted to York Region.
Once you have received an approval email through York Region, fill out the Subsidy Registration Form or the Summer Camp Subsidy Registration Form for courses within the annual approved rate limit.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart
Founded in 2005, Jumpstart helps kids overcome financial and accessibility barriers to sport and recreation in an effort to provide inclusive play for kids of all abilities.
For more information, and to apply visit jumpstart.canadiantire.ca.