Committees, Council Agendas and Minutes

Committee and Council meetings can be watched live at To view the agenda, minutes, communication and past meeting video, click on the meeting name and the meeting records will appear.

Vaughan City Hall.

The City of Vaughan’s agendas, minutes and extracts can be viewed on this page.

  • Meeting documents can be accessed by selecting a scheduled meeting on the calendar.
  • Meeting documents from September 2012 to May 2018 can be viewed on the archived page.
  • Meeting documents prior to September 2012 can be viewed on the archived documents page.


The documents provided are for convenience only. Official records of the Council can be viewed in the Office of the City Clerk.


Learn more about speaking at a Committee meeting regarding items on the agenda.


CHANGE OF DATE: Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting) originally scheduled on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, is being re-scheduled to Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. (To view notice, click here)

Changes to Committee Meeting Schedule and Structure

There is an updated meeting cycle that includes two Committee of the Whole Meetings, one Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting), one Committee of the Whole (Closed Session) and one Council Meeting.


Committee of the Whole (1) Meeting will consist of Planning and Growth Management items. Committee of the Whole (2) Meeting will focus on items that would previously have been considered by the Finance, Administration and Audit Committee (FAA) and the Committee of the Whole (Working Session).


The format for Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting) and Committee of the Whole (Closed Session) remains unaffected, however the meeting dates for these meetings have changed and those changes have been reflected in the Schedule of Meetings calendar above.


Registry of Declared Interests

Effective March 1, 2019, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires municipalities to maintain a public registry of all declarations of interest made by Members of Council.


Members of Council are also required to submit a written declaration in addition to making a verbal declaration at the meeting. The original registry, including forms submitted by Members of Council, is available for public inspection at the Office of the City Clerk.


The online Conflicts Registry can be viewed by clicking the icon on the top right corner of the meeting calendar.