Vaughan Sports Leagues
Vaughan Sports Leagues provide adult players with rec and intermediate skill and experience the opportunity to play organized sports in their community. Enjoy convenient pre-booked times, premium locations, competitive prices, and pre-scheduled games with a playoff format.

Ball Hockey League starting April 24 - registration now open!
Time to face-off! Our ball hockey league allows seasoned or new players experience the thrill of the sport in a fun and competitive environment!
16-week season with tournament (Maple Community Centre)
Team fee: $69.53-$111.24 per player - Register Now!
Individual fee: $123.60 - Register Now!
Minimum 10 people, maximum 16 people in a team. (ages 18+).
Vaughan Sports Leagues Permission, Indemnity, & Assumption of Risk (Waiver Form)

Slo-pitch League starts May 21 - registration full
Batter up baseball fans! Back by popular demand, our slo-pitch league is perfect for players who are ready to swing into the action this spring!
16-week season with tournament (Tudor District Park, 300 Jacob Keffer Pkwy, Vaughan, ON)
Team fee: $81.11-129.78 per player - registration full
Individual fee: $144.25 - registration full
Minimum 10 people, maximum 16 people in a team (ages 18+).
Vaughan Sports Leagues Permission, Indemnity, & Assumption of Risk (Waiver Form)

Adult Volleyball League starting March 27 - registration begins Feb. 20
Get ready to serve, bump, and volley! Our volleyball league is packed with fun and excitement all season long.
11-week season with tournament (Vellore Village Community Centre)
Team fee: $677.75
Individual fee: $123.50
Minimum 6 people, maximum 8 people in a team, with at least 2 female players (ages 18+)
Team Captain must complete the Team Roster Form (PDF)
Vaughan Sports Leagues Permission, Indemnity, & Assumption of Risk (Waiver Form)

Ice Hockey League (season has ended)
Vaughan Sports Ice Hockey Leagues provides adult/older adults players with recreational/intermediate skill levels and experience, the opportunity to play organized sports right in their community. We offer convenient times, a premium location and competitive prices, plus pre-booked ice times, pre-scheduled games with a playoff format. Suitable for players who are new to ice hockey or play very little Ice Hockey. Whether you sign up as a team and play with existing friends or join as an individual and make new friends, you’ll have fun playing your favourite sport!
18-week season with tournament (Al Palladini Community Centre)
Team fee: $282 to $375 per player
Minimum 12 people, maximum 16 people in a team. (ages 50+).
Vaughan Sports Leagues Permission, Indemnity, & Assumption of Risk (Waiver Form)
Frequently Asked Questions
Register at We recommend using Google Chrome for best results. Watch our tutorial videos on the recvaughan YouTube channel to find out more about our online registration system. If you require assistance creating an account or registering call Service Vaughan at 905.832.2281, email Alternatively, register in-person with a Community Centre Lead at your local community centre.
For inquiries/more info email