VMC Transportation Master Plan
The City of Vaughan is undertaking a VMC Transportation Master Plan to help guide and manage transportation in the city’s new downtown core.
This updated plan will identify transportation needs, provide a strategy for street connectivity and accessibility, and support various ways to get around, such as walking, biking, public transit and ridesharing, through to 2051.
The master plan will confirm community transportation needs and support a strategy that focuses on street connectivity, accessibility and support for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and vehicles into 2051. The VMC has been identified as an urban growth centre in the provincial growth plan, A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020). This plan is the driver for improved land use and infrastructure planning efforts to date and continues to be the basis for the VMC growth strategy.
Get involved
A draft VMC Transportation Master Plan is in progress and we’re looking for your input once again. What are your thoughts on the proposed transportation options for the VMC? Would these proposed strategies help alleviate gridlock? Are there other areas for improvement that have not been identified?
A Public Information Centre was held on Jan. 30 in the main lobby of the David Braley Vaughan Metropolitan Centre of Community (200 Apple Mill Rd.) - thank you to everyone who attended!
If you couldn't attend in person, you can still get involved. Review online materials (PDF) to:
- learn more about the study process to date.
- learn about recommendations to enhance options for walking, cycling, transit and roads in the VMC.
- share your thoughts on parking, transportation needs, street connectivity and accessibility, and more.
- provide input via an online survey by Thursday, Feb. 13 to have your say.
You can also submit feedback via email to vmctmp@wsp.com.
Jillian Britto, P.Eng., PTOE
City of Vaughan, Project Manager
905-832-2281, ext. 8410