Heritage Notices

The Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18 requires that properties designated as Heritage under Part IV and Part V of the Act and all intended revisions to the status of designated properties on the Municipal Heritage Register are to be published publicly.

The City of Vaughan By-law 021-2024 allows for publication of heritage notices on the City’s website. 

Notice of Intention to Designate a Property (NOID)

In accordance with Section 29 (1.1) of the Ontario Heritage Act, please take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan intends to designate the following properties for reasons of cultural heritage value or interest. Expand each section for Ward specific NOIDs.


No notices at this time.


No notices at this time.

Other Notices Under the Heritage Act

Part IV Individual Designations Public Notices are also required when a designated heritage property is being amended, repealed or relocated among other revisions under the Heritage Act. Part V Heritage Conservation Districts Public Notice is required under Section 40 and 41 of the Heritage for the creation of the Study Area and Designation of a Heritage Conservation District. Expand each section for Ward specific NOIDs.


No notices at this time.


No notices at this time.


No notices at this time.


No notices at this time.

If you are unsure of which Ward a heritage property is located, please refer to the City of Vaughan's Ward Map

If you are looking for a specific heritage property and do not see it included in the above Notices, please visit the City of Vaughan’s Municipal Heritage Register. You may also email Cultural Heritage staff at Cultural.Heritage@vaughan.ca

Contact Information

Policy Planning and Special Programs:

Cultural Heritage Program


City Hall Level 200
2141 Major Mackenzie Drive
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1




Phone: (905) 832-2281