Swimming Pool

Swimming pool grading permits and fence enclosures for in-ground, above-ground (including hot tubs and spas) as well as temporary and seasonal pools are issued before installation occurs, as required by the City of Vaughan Fence By-law 189-2020 (PDF). Any body of water 30 inches or more in depth requires a pool permit. Permit fees are non-refundable. For more information, read the pool permits frequently asked questions.


The City of Vaughan has introduced two new features available for in-ground pool permits:

Online inspection requests
You can now submit online inspection requests (PDF) for in-ground pool construction projects through the City's online permit portal. Whether you need a fence inspection before you fill your pool with water or are ready for a final inspection to receive your security depot refund, you can now use the convenient online tool to request your inspection.


Online pool permit renewals
If your in-ground pool permit is about to expire and you need more time to complete your project, you can now process and pay for your permit renewal online (PDF). This is applicable to in-ground pool permits issued as of Jan. 1, 2021 where the necessary inspections have not yet been initiated.



Permit Requirements

​Type of pool​Permit type​Fee
​In-ground pool​In-ground pool permit$902​
​Permanent above-ground pool including hot tubs and spas (that do not require any type of excavation) ​$671.50
​Temporary or seasonal pool (purchased at box store retailer)​Temporary/seasonal pool permit (Above-ground pool permit)​$470


In-ground Pool

Documents required for submission:

**(all documents to be submitted in PDF format)


Site plan drawing/grading plan details:

  • Hand-drawn sketches or photographs will not be accepted
  • All drawings must be submitted with measurements in metric
  • Should the subject property’s lot grading not be certified, the required site grading plan must be stamped by the engineering consultant for the applicable subdivision
  • Existing overland drainage must be maintained
  • Municipal address, entire property line including driveway and street name must be clearly labelled – if the property is on a corner, label both street names
  • Proposed swimming pool including shape, location, dimensions and setbacks to property lines and dwelling
  • Location of pool equipment with setbacks specifying if mounted on a pad or placed within an accessory structure
  • Existing and proposed accessory structures and dimensions (ex. cabanas). Be sure to label any accessory structures that will be removed or relocated
  • If applicable, please provide water feature height, setbacks and details (elevation)
  • Label all hardscape and softscape elements (existing and proposed) including dimensions and minimum 0.6 metres setback from the property line
  • Identify all retaining walls including height, setback and top and bottom elevations
  • Please note: any retaining wall over 1 metre in height must be certified by a professional engineer. Please refer to Pool Permit Notes and Zoning By-law 1-88 (PDF) for more details
  • Fence and gate location
  • Construction access location
  • Show relative elevations water direction flow and slope percentage
  • Indicate location of any rear yard catch basins
  • Label all existing trees with base diameter. Identify any trees to be removed or within area of construction (dripline)
  • Soakaway pits, infiltration trenches, subdrains etc. are not accepted as a replacement for existing or proposed swales and/or catchbasins


Lot grading notes/site plan drawing details for pool permits

  1. The lot must be certified for grading in an unassumed subdivision. If not, an approved site grading plan must be submitted by the developer’s consulting engineer.
  2. The site plans, drawings and construction must comply with the City of Vaughan lot grading criteria.
  3. The alterations to existing grades are not permitted within 0.6 metres of all lot lines.
  4. The lot grading must not be altered (unless specifically approved by the permit) including:
    a. existing natural or artificial watercourse
    b. open channel
    c. swale or ditch used to drain the land
    d. catch basin or infiltration trench located on the private property
  5. The alteration of any City property is prohibited.
  6. The retaining walls including height, setback and top and bottom elevations must all be labelled. Any retaining wall over one metre in height must be certified by a professional engineer. Please refer to City of Vaughan lot grading criteria and Zoning By-law 1-88 (PDF) for more details.
  7. The pool discharge must not adversely affect adjacent properties.
  8. The sedimentation control measures must be installed before construction.
  9. The permit has not been reviewed for the construction of the pool and for any pool design loads exerted onto nearby buildings or structures (including retaining walls or decorative walls, dwelling, catch basin lead pipe, etc.).
  10. The property must be available for access to City staff as part of the permit review process to inspect pre-existing conditions of the property and municipal right-of-way.
  11. Failing to comply to the swimming pool enclosure permit and agreement may result in retention of security deposit.



Permanent Above-ground Pool Including hot tubs and spas

Documents required for submission:

**(all documents to be submitted in PDF format)

Site plan drawing/grading plan details:

  • Hand-drawn sketches or photographs will not be accepted
  • Units of measurement and scales must be metric
  • Existing overland drainage must be maintained
  • Municipal address, entire property line including driveway and street name must be clearly labelled – if the property is on a corner, label both street names
  • Proposed swimming pool including shape, location, dimensions and setbacks to property lines and dwelling
  • Location of pool equipment with setbacks specifying if mounted on a pad or placed within an accessory structure
  • Existing and proposed softscaping and hardscaping including dimensions and a minimum 0.6 metre setback from the property line
  • Fence and gate location
  • Labelling of all existing trees with base diameter and trees to be removed – you may require a tree removal permit



Temporary or seasonal pool (purchased at box store retailer)

Documents required for submission:

**(all documents to be submitted in PDF format)

Above-ground pool drawing (PDF)

Site plan drawing/grading plan details:

  • Hand-drawn sketches or photographs will not be accepted
  • Units of measurement and scales must be metric
  • Existing overland drainage must be maintained
  • Municipal address, entire property line including driveway and street name must be clearly labelled – if the property is on a corner, label both street names
  • Proposed swimming pool including shape, location, dimensions and setbacks to property lines and dwelling
  • Location of pool equipment with setbacks specifying if mounted on a pad or placed within an accessory structure
  • Existing and proposed softscaping and hardscaping including dimensions and a minimum 0.6 metre setback from the property line
  • Fence and gate location
  • Labelling of all existing trees with base diameter and trees to be removed – you may require a tree removal permit