Saddle up: Your guide to required horseback riding gear

As young and adventurous campers prepare for their thrilling summer camp experience at Camp Corral, one question looms large: what riding gear are they required to bring along?

Whether your kid is a seasoned equestrian or first-time rider, having the right equipment is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience. In this guide, we'll dive into the required riding gear and provide insights on where you might purchase them, ensuring every camper is well-prepared to hit the trails and create lasting memories.

A black riding helmet hung on a fence post with a forest of green trees in the background

Riding helmet – required

Safety comes first at Camp Corral, and a properly fitted riding helmet is a non-negotiable item for all campers. Look for helmets certified by ASTM or SEI to ensure they meet rigorous safety standards. Consider visiting a local tack shop or equestrian retailer to try on helmets and find the perfect fit for your kid's head shape and size. If purchasing online, carefully measure your camper's head circumference according to the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure a snug and secure fit.

A pair of legs, ankle high argyle socks and black ankle-high paddock riding boots

Paddock riding boots – required

Sturdy, closed-toe footwear is essential for safe and comfortable riding experiences. Paddock boots, ankle-high with a one-inch heel, are required for Camp Corral riders. Visit a specialized equestrian store or tack shop to explore a variety of paddock boot options and find the right pair for your kid. Ensure the boots provide a secure fit without being too tight or restrictive, allowing for proper ankle movement and support during riding activities.

A pair of white riding gloves

Riding gloves – optional

While not mandatory, riding gloves offer added grip and protection for hands during horse-related activities. Look for gloves made from breathable, flexible materials that provide a comfortable fit and allow for dexterity and movement. Consider purchasing gloves with reinforced palms and fingers for added durability and grip, especially for campers participating in more advanced riding techniques. Many equestrian retailers offer a range of riding gloves in various sizes and styles to suit different preferences and budgets.

For questions about programming or registration:


City of Vaughan

Recreation Services



For questions about the location and grounds:


Pathways on Pleasure Valley

Call: 905-649-2888 

Pathways on Pleasure Valley logo

Where to purchase riding gear

Local tack shops


Explore nearby equestrian stores or tack shops specializing in riding equipment and apparel. These establishments often have knowledgeable staff who can provide personalized recommendations and assistance.

Online retailers


Many reputable online retailers offer a wide selection of riding gear, including helmets, boots and gloves. Be sure to read customer reviews and check return policies before making a purchase.

Secondhand markets


Consider browsing online marketplaces or consignment shops for gently used riding gear at discounted prices. However, always inspect items carefully for signs of wear or damage before purchasing.



Greenhawk is one of Canada's largest equestrian retailers, offering a wide range of riding gear, apparel and equipment for both English and Western riders, with several stores across the GTA.


Apple Saddlery is a well-established equestrian store in Toronto, providing a comprehensive selection of riding equipment, apparel and supplies for horse and rider. Address: 1875 Leslie St.


Baker's Saddlery is a trusted destination for equestrian enthusiasts in the GTA, offering a wide selection of riding equipment, apparel, and accessories for all disciplines. They also offer a consignment shop for apparel, providing riders with the opportunity to find quality gear at affordable prices. Address: 3-1350 Castlemore Ave., Markham


Saddlery Trading Company is a popular tack shop located in Newmarket, known for its extensive range of equestrian products, including riding gear, stable supplies and horse-care essentials. Address: B-720 Davis Dr., Newmarket

With the right riding gear in hand, your camper will be ready to embark on an unforgettable summer camp adventure at Camp Corral. Whether they're trotting through forest trails or participating in other horse-related activities, having the proper equipment ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for riders of all levels. By investing in quality gear and taking the time to find the perfect fit, campers can saddle up with confidence and create cherished memories at Camp Corral that will last a lifetime.

Join the Corral Crew


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Register to secure your spot! Here's everything you need to know about registration.

July 8 - 12



July 15 - 19

