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Festa d'Italia

Save the date for the City of Vaughan's inaugural Festa d'Italia event.


Sunday, June 1, 2025, 11am-8pm

Boyd Conservation Park, 8739 Islington Ave, Vaughan, ON


The event will feature top-notch stage entertainment, activities for all ages, a food zone, a marketplace with vendor booths and so much more. 


Questions? Email us at 



Festa d'Italia - More Information


Calling all businesses, not-for profits and food vendors! Apply today for the opportunity to participate in Vaughan Festa d'Italia 2025.


Apply using the Festa d'Italia 2025 Participant Agreement Form


Participants - what is needed before the deadline of Wednesday, May 14, 2025?

  1. Participant Agreement Form: Festa d'Italia
  2. Payment
    1. For 2025, the food and business vendor price is discounted to $250 + HST (regularly $550 + HST)
    2. $250 + HST for not-for-profit organizations
    3.  For participants with a physical location in Market Lane / Woodbridge Avenue, you are eligible for one free booth at Festa d'Italia.
    4. Pay online with credit card OR by cheque (see details on the agreement form)
  3. A Certificate of Insurance naming the Corporation of the City of Vaughan, and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority as additional insured – use the City’s template 
    1. If you are unable to get a Certificate of Insurance, email to find out how to purchase one-day event insurance.


       Food vendors also need to provide:

  4. The York Region Vendor Application Form will be sent directly to York Region Health Department and provided to Events Staff.
    1. Form is found under “Vendors”:  Food Vendors - York Region Application
  5. Any applicable licences (restaurant licence, refreshment vehicle licence, etc.)
    1. Refreshment vehicles must provide a valid City of Vaughan Refreshment Vehicle Licence
    2. Refreshment vehicles that do not have a valid City of Vaughan Refreshment Vehicle Licence must apply for one through the City of Vaughan (additional fees apply)
    3. Non-refreshment vehicles must provide a restaurant or business license along with a food handler certificate.


What to expect as a participant (booths, food vendors)?

  • 10'x10' spot unless you have a food truck or purchase additional spaces
  • 1 table and 2 chairs will be provided and more can be rented for a small fee
  • Situated on grass
  • Many booth participants and food vendors bring a 10'x10' tent with tent weights (staking is not permitted); no tent, pavilion, etc. is provided
  • Electrical access and Wi-Fi are not available
  • Generators are not provided


See Participant Agreement Form for more details.


I Cugini Di Campagna is an Italian pop band formed in 1970 in Rome. The band is well known for the use of falsetto and for their eccentric look, a cross between glam and kitsch. The band achieved some success with its first single, "Il ballo di Peppe", that was launched by the radio-program Alto Gradimento. In 1973 the band gained more success with the song "Anima mia", then they achieved a series of commercial hits until the early eighties. The band resurfaced in 1997, with a new lineup, thanks to the RAI TV-show Anima mia, whose success lead to the rediscovery of their eponymous song and band.


*Stage Schedule coming soon


Activities and performances are subject to change.

  • Boccee  
  • Glitter Tattoos 
  • Photo Booths


Activities and performances are subject to change.


Park and Walk: Free parking is available at the venue and is a short walk to the event site.


Shuttle Bus Service: Free parking and shuttle bus services will be running from the following locations.


Pick up locations 

  • Al Palladini Community Centre - 9201 Islington Ave
  • Chancellor Community Centre - 350 Ansley Grove Rd
  • Emily Carr Secondary School - 4901 Rutherford Rd
  • Woodbridge Pool and Memorial Arena - 5020 Hwy 7
  • Woodbridge Public School - 60 Burwick Ave
  • Market Lane - 140 Woodbridge Ave
  • Vaughan City Hall - 2141 Major MacKenzie Dr W
  • Vaughan Metropolitan Area (VMC) - 200 Apple Mill Rd


Drop off location

  • Boyd Conservation Park - 8739 Islington Ave


Service begins at 10:00 a.m. and the last pickup at Boyd Park at 8:30 p.m.

  • Business Zone/Marketplace with vendor booths selling and/or showcasing their products/services 
  • Food Zone with various food trucks and food vendors


Food vendors are subject to change. Some may only accept cash. There is no ATM at the park.

Recreation Services - Events

City Hall, Level 300
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1