Outdoor Water Use
Do you know when to water your lawn? Managing your water use helps conserve water, protect the environment and can save you money on your water and wastewater bill.
The City of Vaughan restricts outdoor water use from May 15 to Sept. 30 each year, as per the Water By-law 024-2024 (PDF). This water conservation measure ensures an uninterrupted supply of water for everyone, especially when water is in peak demand.
Residential properties
Watering of lawns and gardens is allowed on residential properties from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the following days:
Even-numbered days for even-numbered street addresses.
Odd-numbered days for odd-numbered street addresses.
Freshly laid sod and newly planted shrubs and trees are exempt from these restrictions for a four-week period.
Industrial, commercial and institutional properties
Watering is allowed between midnight and 7 a.m., for a maximum of three hours, on the following days:
Even-numbered days for even-numbered street addresses.
Odd-numbered days for odd-numbered street addresses.
Additional restrictions
During times when water use needs to be restricted further, it will be implemented in stages as follows:
If a "Water Advisory" is issued, all residents will be asked to refrain from any outdoor water use.
If an "Outdoor Water Use Ban" is enacted, outdoor water use is prohibited and residents found violating the ban will be charged. The maximum fine for violating an Outdoor Water Use Ban issued under the Water By-law 024-2024 (PDF) is $5,000.
Residents will be notified of a Water Advisory or an Outdoor Water Use Ban in the City’s Newsroom, eNewsletter and on social media.
To report an infraction, please contact Service Vaughan by phone at 905-832-2281 or email at service@vaughan.ca.
Note: exemptions are in place for certain businesses and functions.