Facilities and Rentals


The City of Vaughan has a variety of recreation facilities that have pools, fitness centres, arenas, sports fields and activity rooms that are available for use by individuals, groups or organizations. Facility availability of many of our rental spaces can be checked online or see Facility Rentals & Parties for more information.


Life made easy. Vaughan community centres are residents' one-stop shops for up-to-date information and much more! Items for sale include garbage tags, gift certificates, postage stamps, green bins & blue boxes.


Debit, credit or cheque are acceptable forms of payment.


All recreation facilities are equipped with free Wi-Fi. Check the City Viewer to find a facility in your area, or click on one of the links below for location, hours of operation, features and amenities.

Contact Information

Recreation Services

City Hall, Level 300
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1



Other Facilities






Facility Rentals


Planning a party, meeting, sporting event or function? 

There are a​ wide variety of City-owned facilities in your local community available to rent for all occasions; from gymnasiums to pools, meeting rooms to heritage homes, and arenas to a theatre. There is something for everyone. Got a special request? We'll do our best to help make your special occasion a success.


Hosting a playdate or party with us is a piece of cake! 

Parents, let us take some of the party-planning stress off your plate by helping plan your child’s next special occasion at Vaughan community centres! For more information, visit vaughan.ca/partytime.


Maple Bowling Alley – Host a bowling party! Our 4-lane, 5-pin bowling alley located in the basement of Maple Community Centre is available for private party rentals on Friday evenings and weekends.


Refer to Facility Rentals for a complete list of facilities and permitting details. View facility availability online, or call 905.832.8500 for more information. For City Playhouse Theatre rental inquiries, please call 905.303.2000 or email PlayhouseRentals@vaughan.ca.



Effective September 3, 2024- September 1, 2025




Commercial/ Non Vaughan

Themed Parties - 2 hours (1 hr. themed party & 1 hr. room)

Additional fees for crafts.

Additional fees may apply for O/T, staffing, ratios, etc. 

Rock n ' Bowl - Bowling Party$229.19$288.90$317.82
Have a Ball / How We Roll - Sports Party$230.53$290.39$319.51
Open Canvas - Art Party$305.22$346.20$380.71
Like Royals  /Hip Hop Hooray (Dance Party)$248.06$275.02$302.52
Splash Bash - Swim Party$284.70$322.83$355.00
Activity Rooms / per hourGeneral




Parties & Events ($50 deposit required)




Arena Ice / per hourPrime Time




Non-Prime Time*




Arena Floor / per hourPrime Time




Non Prime Time*




Parties & Events ($150 deposit required)




Bocce / per hour (2 Hour Minimum)Indoor - Hourly Per Court $3.34$11.72$14.32

Gymnasium + Cafetorium

(Multi Purpose Room)

Prime Time$29.17$110.19$113.52
Non Prime Time*$18.96$71.62$73.79
Parties & Events ($150 deposit required)$117.01$183.68$202.15

Halls - Deposit: $150 

Woodbridge Memorial Hall, Vellore CC - AR#1 
Combined rooms: DCCC: AR 1&2, MCC AR 6&7, NTCC: Room A&B

General $23.85$73.70$93.50
Parties & Events$63.44$146.91$175.29
Heritage Houses/ Unmanned Facilities 
Deposit: $50 (single), $150 (multiple), $250 (Party) 
General / Parties$33.06$70.13$75.13
PoolsGeneral Use$79.82$140.91$154.18
Shared use & Before 9am$31.73$56.01$61.29
Shared use$54.72$96.62$105.71
Before 9am$46.42$81.94$89.66


Fees are subject to HST
1.25% interest charged per month on overdue accounts
* Non Prime Time rates between 12am-4pm Mon. to Fri.


Effective January 1- December 31, 2025




Commercial / Non Vaughan



Half Day




Full day




Arena - Outdoor Premium / per hour


Outdoor Arena ICE- Unlit




Outdoor Arena FLOOR- Unlit




Baseball Diamonds / per hour (2 hour minimum on all diamonds)Junior Unlit (Hourly)




Senior Unlit (Hourly)




Senior Unlit (Daily: 9 AM-6 PM only)




Premium Unlit (Hourly)




Premium Unlit (Daily: 9 AM-6 PM only)




Parking LotsHourly (up to 10 hours) 




Full day (10 hours+)  Per Day     




Parks - Picnics (no alcohol)  3 Hour Minimum

Deposit: $150 (3 hours), $300 (3+ hours)

Hourly (up to 10 hours) $44.30$51.75$57.50
Full day (10 hours+)   Per Day$442.96$517.52$575.02

Parks - Picnics (with alcohol) 3 Hour Minimum

SOP only, unless public event or selling alcohol then Special Event Permit 
Deposit: $150 (3 hours), $300 (3+hours)

Hourly (up to 10 hours) $88.59$103.50$115.00
Full day (10 hours+)   Per Day$885.92$1,035.04$1,149.96

Soccer/Football/Rugby Fields/Cricket Pitch /per hr (2 Hour Minimum on all fields)

Cricket pitch- Senior rate

9 V 9$5.43$24.98$32.12
Senior Unlit$6.36$33.94$40.53
Premium Unlit$16.65$47.07$54.74
Premium Artificial Unlit$83.24$134.48$163.30
Hourly Outdoor Light9-11pm$15.59$22.28$28.97

Fees are subject to HST 
* Non Prime Time rates between 8am - 4pm Mon. to Fri.
1.25% interest charged per month on over due accounts



Effective January 1- December 31, 2025

Inventory / ServiceUnitCSORESIDENTCommercialNon Vaughan
Garbage Containerseach$0.00$0.00$1.60$2.37
Picnic Tableseach$6.33$20.12$26.15$30.18
Recycling Binseach$0.00$0.00$1.60$2.37
Stage & Set up (Fixed Stage)each$316.53$475.64$624.39$713.46
Tent  (20 x 10 OR 10 x 10) each$329.46$439.29$571.07$658.93
Tables & Chairsper load$237.81$365.88$480.31$548.81
Mobile Stage (Showmobile)
*security required for stage
*Additional staff charges will apply for mobile Stage setup, takedown, and operation
Portable Sinkseach$150.00$150.00$150.00$150.00
Washroom Cleaning Feeper washroom, per cleaning$55.60$55.60$55.60$55.60
Washroom - Accessibleeach$284.85$350.55$475.61$571.64
Washroom - Regulareach$178.50$220.39$299.59$359.31

Note: fees are subject to change


This is a City-approved, Vaughan-based, not-for-profit community organization run by an elected and volunteer board of directors whose prime purpose is to provide recreation, community or leisure services to the residents of Vaughan. Groups must be comprised of 75% residents except in the case of minor sports groups (aged 19 and under) that must be comprised of 90% house league residents. The application requirements, terms and conditions and eligibility criteria are defined in the Community Service Organization (CSO) Policy.


Community Service Organization (CSO) Frequently Asked Questions
Community Service Organization (CSO) Application


The City of Vaughan, Recreation Services department promotes and recognizes that municipal parks, recreation, heritage and other facilities are integral to healthy communities and intended to be used by the public. The City encourages community members to use municipal facilities that enhances community enjoyment, involvement, health and wellness. The Department encourages these active living, social and other activities that enhance the well being, health and quality of life to residents and acknowledges that use of City owned facilities directly aid in facilitating these activities. Facilities are allocated utilizing the Fair Play Facility Allocation Policy.


Facility Allocation Policy Frequently Asked Questions

Permitted non-use Reporting Form


Vaughan is a City of choice that promotes diversity, innovation and opportunity for all citizens, fostering a vibrant community life that is inclusive, progressive, environmentally responsible and sustainable. It is recognized that this vision can be achieved through various initiatives such as community-based heritage, village fairs and festivals. The City will continue to support and encourage these events planned by volunteer groups that assist in enriching and preserving its diverse community.


The purpose of the Fairs & Festivals Support Program is to demonstrate Vaughan's support for these types of events by establishing criteria that will enable qualifying groups to receive further assistance.


Fairs & Festivals Support Program Application


Book private use of one of our gymnasiums for sports or fitness activities! Residents can now book exclusive use of a gymnasium online at vaughan.perfectmind.com, by telephone or email. 



Reservations can be made 2-30 days in advance and timeslots can range from 1-3 hours. You also still have the option to reserve over the phone at 905-832-2281 or by email at rec@vaughan.ca .

FacilityFEe TypeResidentNON-RESIDENT
GymnasiumPrime Time$110.19$113.52
 Non Prime Time$71.62$73.79

Insurance  Fees

  • Badminton - $1.05/hour
  • Ball Hockey - $2.10/hour
  • Basketball - $2.10/hour

To book online follow these easy steps:

  • Log in to vaughan.perfectmind.com 
  • Click the ‘Facility Information’ tab, then ‘Online Facility Booking’ 
  • Click ‘Gym/Cafetorium’
  • Pick your desired gym and click ‘Choose’
  • In the drop-down menu, select your desired service between badminton, ball hockey, or basketball. Some gyms may not offer certain services depending on facility restrictions.
  • Select the duration of your reservation (between 1-3 hours) and input the number of attendees. Max number of attendees is 50.  
  • View the calendar to select your preferred date and time.
  • Click ‘Reserve’ 
  • Review and agree to contract terms, enter payment, and place your order.
  • A contract and receipt will automatically be emailed to you.

If you require assistance creating an account or booking a gymnasium online, email rec@vaughan.ca or call 905-832-2281. 



Park rentals for the 2025 season will open in April. Please check back for more details.




All park bookings include exclusive use of a gazebo shelter and select picnic tables. All other park amenities, such as parking, playgrounds, water play areas, tennis and bocce courts, secondary shade structures and washrooms are open for public use. Alcohol is prohibited on the premises.


Last-minute Ice

Book last-minute arena ice online at vaughan.perfectmind.com. Bookings are available online 24 hours to five days in advance for a one-hour to nine-hour timeslot for a maximum of 30 participants.


Locations include:



  • $99/hour promo rate + HST and applicable insurance
  • Note: Last-minute ice bookings are final and cannot be cancelled or refunded as per the City's Cancellation Policy (PDF).


To book online, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to client portal at vaughan.perfectmind.com 
  2. Click the Facility Information tab
  3. Click Online Facility Booking 
  4. Click Arena Ice
  5. Select desired rink and click Choose
  6. Select duration of reservation (one to nine hours) and input number of attendees 
  7. View the calendar to select date and time
  8. Click Reserve
  9. Review and agree to contract terms
  10. Enter payment and place your order  
  11. A contract and receipt will automatically be emailed to you  

If you require assistance creating an account or booking arena ice online, email rec@vaughan.ca or call 905-832-2281. All bookings include the use of two change rooms that are exclusive to the permit holder as well as two hockey nets. The maximum number of participants for online bookings is 30. If you require addition participants, please email rec@vaughan.ca or call 905-832-2281.


Looking for same-day bookings?

Same day booking requests are only available Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm, excluding civic and statutory holidays. Please call 905-832-2281 for same-day bookings at the promotional rate of $99/hour plus HST and applicable insurance.


Looking to book well in advance?

If your scheduling needs go beyond the five-day online booking window, you still have the option to reserve standard ice time well in advance. Please call 905-832-2281 to speak with a Client Services representative to secure your preferred dates. Bookings made outside the one- to five-day last-minute promo period are subject to standard ice rental rates. View prime time and non-prime time rates in the Indoor Facilities Fees drop down menu above.

Holiday Schedules & Closures


All community centres are CLOSED on the following holidays:

  • New Year's Day: January 1
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day: July 1
  • Simcoe Holiday
  • Labour Day
  • Thanksgiving Monday
  • Christmas Day: December 25

Family Day
​All programs are running and community centres are open regular hours offering fun family activities.

​Passover | April 22 (after 4pm), April 23 & April 24
​All registered programs are cancelled at Dufferin Clark, North Thornhill, Rosemount & Garnet A. Williams community centres ONLY (exceptions may apply).

​​Canada Day, Simcoe Holiday & Labour Day
Thornhill Outdoor Pool is open; see our Recreational Swimming page for more details.

​Rosh Hashanah | 4pm on the first day until the end of the last day
​Community centres are open. Recreational drop-in activities only.

Yom KippurWednesday, October 1 (after 4pm), Thursday, October 2 (full day)
All registered programs are cancelled at Dufferin Clark, North Thornhill, Rosemount & Garnet A. Williams community centres ONLY (exceptions may apply).

​​​Halloween: October 31
​All registered programs are not scheduled after 4pm (exceptions may apply).

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