Community Gardens

Community gardens on municipal land are places where City of Vaughan residents and employees of Vaughan-based businesses can meet to grow and care for fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, native, and ornamental plants

A group of people holding an active watering hose.

Events and Workshops

Any events and workshops in 2024 related to Vaughan's community gardens will be posted here.


Vaughan Community Gardens

 The City of Vaughan currently supports four community garden projects on City-owned land.

Allotment Gardens

Allotment gardens are where participants rent and cultivate individual plots, harvesting their own produce. The City currently operates one allotment garden.


Sugarbush Heritage Park Allotment Garden - 91

Thornhill Woods Drive Sugarbush Heritage Park Allotment Garden was established in 2010. There are 25 garden plots, approximately 8' x 10' size.


Please note, all plots have been filled for the 2024 season. We are still maintaining a waitlist in case of any last minute drop outs, please e-mail to express your interest.


Collective Gardens

Collective gardens are run and maintained by a community group or organization. The goals and needs of each garden will vary depending on the community group that is running the collective garden. Generally, collective gardens include shared work where participants plant, harvest, preserve, share and celebrate together, and even donate some harvest to charitable community causes. The City currently operates three collective gardens.


Growing to Give Community Garden - 835 Clark Avenue (Fire Hall #7-1)

The Growing to Give Community Garden was established in 2011. There are approximately 17 plots (8' x 10') managed collectively. Harvest includes flowers, fruits, and vegetables. This garden is managed by York Region Food Network.


Hope Community Garden - 439 Glenkindie Avenue

The Hope Community Garden was established in 2012 by Human Endeavour. There are 12 garden plots, approximately 8'x10' that are managed collectively. This garden is managed by Human Endeavour.


Vaughan City Hall Community Garden - 2141 Major Mackenzie Drive
Phase 2 of the City Hall Demonstration Garden has been completed. There are 6 raised garden plots, approximately 3' x 8'. This garden is currently in the design phase and further expansion is expected in the future. This garden is managed by York Region Food Network.


Do you want to join a community garden?

The City is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to help build, plant, grow and harvest. If you are interested in joining one of these community gardens, read our Policy below and contact for more information.


Some gardens may also be looking for dedicated individuals who want to become a Garden Coordinator. The Garden Coordinator acts as a contact between the gardeners and the City; maintaining an updated list of gardeners, submitting a description of the garden layout and community engagement plans, on-going bed maintenance including planting and harvesting and ensuring the gardeners are following the rules outlined in the Agreement.


Interested in joining a community garden? Here are two quick steps to help you get started:


Step 1

Read the City of Vaughan's Community Garden Policy to become familiar with our community garden program. Forms have been updated in 2021.


Step 2

Contact to express interest and to receive guidance, tips, tools and more info.


For more information about how to get involved as a corporate partner visit or contact


Frequently Asked Questions


It’s a community space on City land where registered volunteers work together to grow, maintain and harvest. Plants can include vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers.


The City helps with site preparation, maintenance of surrounding area and provides essential infrastructure for operation of the garden, for example a water connection. 


There are two common types: shared work or collective gardens and allotment gardens. Shared work: participants garden collectively, share and even donate some harvest to charitable community causes. Allotment gardens: participants rent and cultivate individual plots, harvesting their own produce. The City of Vaughan supports 1 allotment garden (Sugarbush) and 3 shared work gardens.


The City must approve the location of a community garden on City-owned property. Send your site suggestions to


Currently, there is no by-law that restricts community gardens on private property. However, there are restrictions when it comes to: charging fees to garden users, as this would be considered running a business in a residential area and this is prohibited under the Zoning By-law; percentage of hard and soft landscaping for all residential properties as per Vaughan By-law 1-88; and issues that may arise with parking as there is a three hour maximum limit for street parking between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. 


Sizes of community gardens vary. Sites are chosen close to community hubs such as parks and community centres, and in locations where there is volunteer interest.


Vaughan’s community gardens promote the cultivation of local and affordable food within the community, and producing local food reduces greenhouse gas emissions from food transportation. Vaughan’s community gardens help green our community, creating healthy habitats for wildlife, bees and other beneficial plants and insects. Community gardens also offer gathering places to build community cohesion and promote intergenerational and multi-cultural relationships.


Community gardening is a not-for-profit activity benefiting the community. Produce is taken home or donated to the community.


The City encourages shared gardens on both public and private property, as long as City By-laws are adhered to.