Local Food and Agriculture
Agricultural land is an important natural resource, and it also contributes to our local economy by providing jobs.
Agriculture in Vaughan
Yes! There is Agriculture in Vaughan. A York Region 2021 Census Release Report on agriculture revealed that there was 51 farms and 7,862 acres of farmland (including prime agriculture) in Vaughan.
Agricultural lands in Vaughan contribute to $33,127,196 in total operating farm revenue and the agriculture and agri-food sector in York Region supports 46,000 jobs.
These are important reasons to protect our agricultural lands. A Place to Grow - Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019 outlines policies that support and enhance the long-term viability and productivity of agriculture. The Growth Plan identifies an Agricultural System to be protected in the long-term and encourages municipalities to implement food strategies and provide opportunities to support access to healthy, local and affordable food; urban agriculture, and agri-food/product businesses.
Fun facts:
- In 2021, there were 604 farms in York Region and 67 of those farms (11%) reported using solar, bioenergy/biomass combustion or geothermal technology to generate renewable energy!
Vaughan is home to 1,296 agri-food businesses and 131 food and beverage manufacturers.
Making a Difference
So, what is Vaughan doing to support the agri-food network? The City is committed to support the agri-food network by:
- Stewardship: develop urban agriculture programming with a vision based on nature, food, agriculture, heritage, tourism and education.
- Development: promote urban agriculture through the Sustainability Performance Metrics Program.
- Education: support local food initiatives through education events at local venues to our residents.
- Inventory: identify and map the agri-food assets in the City.
- Transformation: create naturalized spaces on City-owned property such as community gardens and pollinator habitats.
The City of Vaughan is also a member of the York Regional Food Council. The York Region Food Council works to build networks across the food system, conduct research on the York Region food system, educate through public events, advocate for policy changes that foster a healthy food system, and support the creation and implementation of food system initiatives.
York Region Community Food Asset Map
This interactive map is designed to highlight the food-related resources and services available across York Region. Even though this map provides an overview of the food resources in the region, it’s important to note that it is a snapshot in time and not kept up to date with service hours or program changes. Additionally, not all services mapped are open to the public. For those seeking food supports like food banks or community meals, please visit 211 online or call/text 2-1-1.
Local Food & Healthy Eating
Food is vital – it nourishes us, supports active lifestyles and brings people together – and when we buy local food, we help to create vibrant, resilient communities.
Local is better! When you buy local, you:
- Contribute to economic viability - support local economic growth by supporting local farmers and businesses
- Eat healthier – buying closer to home means the food is fresher
- Become a community steward – build a sense of social responsibility
- Reduce carbon footprint - food comes from a farm close to home which reduces transportation distances
Tips for buying local:
- Visit local farms and farmer’s markets. Visit York Farm Fresh for locations across York Region or download the York Farm Fresh Map. Also visit Greenbelt fresh or Ontario fresh to locate fresh and local food in Ontario.
- Look for the Foodland Ontario logo when shopping at grocery stores;
- Plant your own backyard garden or volunteer for a City community garden
The Provincial Plan Areas
Greenbelt Area
Ontario’s Greenbelt lands encompass protected natural heritage areas and productive agricultural lands (farmland). The Greenbelt Area covers more than 2 million acres of land – bigger than the Province of Prince Edward Island!
The Greenbelt is worth protecting! It provides:
- Habitat to 78 Species at Risk including wildlife, flora and fauna
- clean drinking water by protecting 108,629 hectares of small lakes, wetlands, rivers and streams that feed into the Great Lakes
- Employment and income to 5,500 farms
- 10,000 km of trails for everyone to enjoy
- Forests that create cleaner air as it stores enough carbon to offset the emissions from 27 million cars in 1 year
Explore the Greenbelt to find fresh and local food!
Oak Ridges Moraine Area
The Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) covers 190,203 hectares of natural heritage areas in Ontario. The ORM is known for abundant aquifers that provide clean, cool water to many streams. The ORM protects clean and abundant water resources; healthy and diverse plant and animal habitat; and productive agricultural areas.
Meet the 2024 farm fresh farms and markets in Vaughan!

Sandy's farm and garden centre
4283 King-Vaughan Road. The family-run farmers market and garden centre first opened its doors in 1978 and ever since the family has been dedicated to providing the highest quality, locally grown produce at the best possible price to the public. Visit sandysfarm.ca for more information on hours of operation.

Robintide Farms
2720 King-Vaughan Road. Robintide Farms has been a family farm in Vaughan for more than 50 years, with farm activities including pick-your-own and picked-for-you strawberries, flowers and pumpkins, beef cattle, mixed crops, breeding, raising and training quarter horses, and raising milk goats and Boer goats. Visit robintidefarms.com for more information on hours of operation.

Woodbridge farmers market
5020 Highway 7. This market is a non-profit, volunteer run market affiliated with the Woodbridge Agricultural Society. Open Saturdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm in the parking lot of the Woodbridge Pool and Memorial Arena.
- Five types of gardens - Urban Growers*
- How to grow edible perennial plants
- How to start a food sharing club
- How to freeze fruits and vegetables
- Five Ways to end food waste
- Safe Home Canning 101 - video
- Gardening Misconceptions - Urban Growers*
- Edible Plants - Urban Growers*
- York Region 2021 agriculture census
- York Region agri-food highlights
*The Urban Growers are a group of four university students passionate about the environment and their communities. Visit the Urban Growers webpage to learn more.