Weston 7 Secondary Plan Project Updates
The Weston 7 Secondary Plan is currently at the end of phase two, which includes developing the draft Secondary Plan and engaging in public consultation. The Plan will soon be moving into phase 3, which includes navigating the secondary plan through the approvals process, a statutory public meeting, a recommendation report to the Committee of the Whole and Council adoption.

What's Been Done To-date
The following work has been completed on the Weston 7 Secondary Plan and is available for public review:
Phase one: Background
The City of Vaughan retained a consulting team, led by Urban Strategies Inc., supported by HDR Inc., Hemson Consulting Ltd., The Municipal Infrastructure Group and Urban Equation, to undertake phase one of the Weston 7 Secondary Plan. Work began in May 2018 to identify the potential opportunities and constraints imposed by the study area's current conditions and external influences.
Phase one concluded with a final report presented at a Committee of the Whole Working Session on June 5, 2019. Review a summary of phase one work below:
Background report (Oct. 29, 2018)
Appendix 1: Transportation Needs Assessment Report
Appendix 2: Population and Employment Outlook and Commercial Use Assessment
Appendix 3: Sustainability Analysis
Appendix 4: Community Energy Plan
Appendix 5: Planning Policy Analysis
Appendix 6: Community Facilities and Services
Appendix 7: Preliminary Water Wastewater and Stormwater Servicing Analysis
Appendix 8: Telecommunications Memo
Committee of the Whole (Working Session): Report
Committee of the Whole (Working Session): Presentation
Phase two: Secondary plan development
Phase two of the Weston 7 Secondary Plan was initiated in May 2020 and led by a consulting team comprised of The Planning Partnership and supported by N. Barry Lyon Consultants, Arup, Urban Equation and Nbisiing Consulting. Phase two included the preparation of a draft Secondary Plan which provides a policy framework for land uses and built form, parks and open space, supporting transportation system and servicing to support the anticipated growth and creation of a complete community in Weston 7. Review a summary of phase two work below:
Background Report (April 21, 2021)
Weston 7 Secondary Plan Draft #1 (August 2023)
Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting) - November 1, 2023: Notice I Report I Presentation
Weston 7 Secondary Plan Draft #2 (October 2023)
Weston 7 Secondary Plan Draft #3 (May 2024)
Committee of the Whole (Working Session) - June 5, 2024: Notice I Report I Presentation
Committee of the Whole (2) - September 17, 2024: Staff Communication
Weston 7 Secondary Plan Draft #4 (November 2024)
Phase three: Approval
Building on phases one and two, phase three will continue to seek feedback from the community, landowner groups and other interested stakeholders, as part of finalizing the Weston 7 Secondary Plan. During this phase, a final secondary plan will be presented to Council for a decision, providing a recommendation to guide future growth and development of the Weston 7 Secondary Plan study area into a complete, vibrant and active community.
Other secondary plan resources
- Re-allocation of Funds for Secondary Plan Studies: Council Approval (Jan.31, 2012)
- Community Improvement Plan adoption for Weston 7 and the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (Nov. 17, 2015)
- Weston 7 Secondary Plan work initiation: Council Resolution (March 21, 2017)
- Response to Weston 7 Secondary Plan work initiation: Council Approval (May 16, 2017)
- Capital Budget Amendment: Council Approval (April 11, 2018)
To view the development applications that have recently been submitted in the W7SP study area, please see PLANit Viewer.