Get Involved with Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan

The City will engage with the people who live, work and play in Vaughan about their concerns, ideas and priorities for improving the streets in their neighbourhood.

Multiple opportunities across various channels will be provided for residents to get involved, add their voice to the conversation, discuss road safety concerns and share ideas for improving road safety in the community. 


Once the City has a stronger sense of which tools are best fit for Vaughan, a new traffic calming toolbox will be developed to help the City address road safety concerns and ensure appropriate traffic calming and speed management approaches are integrated into the development or redevelopment of roads in Vaughan. This new toolbox will be presented to the public for comment. 


Five pilot neighbourhoods will then be selected using a set of criteria for the purpose of piloting the new traffic calming toolbox. Appropriate traffic calming and speed management approaches will be carefully selected, temporarily installed and actively monitored in each pilot neighbourhood to test their efficacy. Selected neighbourhoods will be engaged before installation of the traffic calming tools. The City will work closely with key stakeholders, including community members and road safety partners, including York Regional Police, to evaluate and monitor how the solutions are working. Temporary measures will be installed in the fall of 2023 and will be monitored and evaluated into the spring 2024. At that time, the temporary measures may become permanent or the City may consider another approach. 


The data from this project and the updated Neighbourhood Traffic Committee Policy and Procedures will be presented to Council in late 2024. 


The following public engagement opportunities were available:


Survey #1 – COMPLETED (Jan. 4, 2023 to Feb. 13, 2023)

To establish an understanding of community priorities. 


Mapping Activity #1 – COMPLETED (Jan. 4, 2023 to Feb. 13, 2023)

To identify areas of concern.


Information Sessions #1 – COMPLETED

The City hosted virtual and in-person information sessions for residents to learn more about the Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan and ask the project team questions.

Virtual information sessions:


  • Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Monday, Feb. 6 at 7 p.m.


In-person information sessions:


  • Al Palladini Community Centre on Saturday, Jan. 21 at 1 p.m.
  • Maple Community Centre on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 1 p.m.


City staff were also on-site at Winterfest on Sunday, Feb. 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


If you were unable to attend an information session, you are encouraged to review the presentation slides (PDF).


The following opportunities are currently available:


Join the mailing list

If you are interested in receiving project updates, such as opportunities to provide input or invitations to engagement opportunities, please email with the subject line, “Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan.” 


Submit a neighbourhood for the pilot phase

If you would like to submit your neighbourhood for consideration for the pilot project, please email with the subject line, “Pilot Location – Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan.”