Advancing Vaughan’s transportation and infrastructure

City of Vaughan
City task force recommends ways to make Vaughan’s transportation systems more innovative and sustainable


Public representation and involving citizens in matters that impact them remain top priorities for the City of Vaughan. That’s where the 2018-2022 Term of Council task forces have stepped in to address a range of policy areas that are important to the community. At the inaugural meeting for this term, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua announced the creation of new taskforces related to transportation, economic development, older adult issues and diversity and governance.

As these task forces wrap up this year, the City will be sharing highlights from each of them once their findings reports are ratified by Vaughan Council. Most recently, the Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force report was brought forward.

This task force was approved by Council on May 15, 2019, and Ward 3 Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca and Local and Regional Councillor Gino Rosati were appointed as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively.

The task force had an overall mandate to assist the City in finding new and innovative ways to manage and make its transportation systems more sustainable amid the rapidly changing landscape of Vaughan. This included developing a co-ordinated set of transportation priorities and identifying new revenue sources dedicated to making the City’s transportation system more reliable, efficient and better prepared to accommodate future growth.

Following careful research, consideration and dedication to this mandate, the appointed members developed the Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force Findings and Recommendations Report, which was presented to Council on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. It outlines the following recommendations:

  • That Council reaffirms its support to:
    • incentivize major employment developments within the City so that residents can live and work in Vaughan.
    • implement the Rutherford Maple GO Mobility On-Request Pilot Project to reduce the number of transit users who drive and park at GO stations.
    • implement the MoveSmart Mobility Management Strategy, specifically the Road Safety Program, the Sustainable Mobility Program and the Active School Travel Pilot, to encourage greater use of alternative modes of transportation.
    • design streets for people of all ages and abilities consistent with the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, the upcoming Vaughan Complete Streets Guidelines and the future update of the Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Drawings.
    • implement recommendations of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, including providing separated pedestrian and cycling facilities consistent with the Contextual Guidance for Selecting All Ages and Abilities Cycling Facilities.
    • continue implementing the Transportation Demand Management Guidelines, which encourage new developments to incentivize transit ridership and provide bicycle parking and amenities.

  • That staff further explore opportunities to:
    • implement a transportation pilot program which will test new forms and methods of offering non-auto travel to residents and businesses.
    • improve safety at pedestrian crossings through the MoveSmart Mobility Management Strategy, including the consideration of improved pavement markings, providing pedestrian signals and/or countdown timers, incorporating leading pedestrian intervals at signalized intersections and implementing pedestrian ‘scramble’ phases at appropriate locations.
    • develop a set of guidelines for micro-mobility devices, including where and how they are permitted to operate, park and charge, and an appropriate licensing program.
    • incorporate charging facilities for electric vehicles at existing and new parking lots and at all City facilities.
    • explore innovative ways to improve congestion at major intersections in Vaughan.

  • That Council request York Region to:
    • advance discussions with Metrolinx and neighbouring transit agencies for fare integration, distance-based fares and minimizing additional fares across jurisdictional boundaries.
    • eliminate lane reductions on arterial roadways between signalized intersections.
    • investigate new or enhance existing non-fare transit revenue to fund future improvements.

Read more in the Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force Findings and Recommendations Report.


"As one of Canada's fastest-growing municipalities, preserving corporate assets, preparing for exponential growth and advancing a connected and integrated transportation system are critical components of the City of Vaughan's ongoing success. Well-managed infrastructure fosters prosperity and contributes to the overall quality of life for residents, businesses and visitors. In my 2018 inaugural address, I announced the creation of the Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force to ensure we are prepared to accommodate future growth. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the task force members, led by my Council colleagues, Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca, and Local and Regional Councillor Gino Rosati, for their meaningful work and commitment to our shared vision of developing a connected community in Vaughan and beyond. As we continue to build a world-class city, creating economically sound, safe, accessible and seamless transportation connections will ensure Vaughan remains a city of choice."

- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua

“As Chair of the Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force, I am proud of our long-standing efforts to ensure people can travel seamlessly through our city. We have explored innovative opportunities to advance a seamless and connected transportation network in Vaughan that will serve our community today and for future generations. I would like to thank all task force members for their dedication to helping make transportation in Vaughan more sustainable.”

- Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca, Chair, Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force

“Vaughan continues to grow and expand rapidly, and this exponential growth must be factored into our forward-looking city-building efforts. The Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force has been focused on developing transportation priorities in alignment with our strategic plan and identifying new revenue sources to ensure the City’s transportation system is more efficient and reliable. I have been pleased to serve as Vice Chair of this important task force and am proud of what we have achieved toward our shared goal.”

- Local and Regional Councillor Gino Rosati, Vice Chair, Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force


  • On Dec. 4, 2018, at the inaugural meeting of this Term of Council, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua announced the creation of new taskforces to address a range of important policy areas, including transportation, economic development, older adult issues, diversity and governance.
  • Twelve members – both technical and citizen representatives – were recruited for the Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force.
  • This task force was approved by Council on May 15, 2019, and Ward 3 Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca and Local and Regional Councillor Gino Rosati were appointed as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively.
  • The task force met on the third Wednesday of every other month from November 2019 to April 2022.
  • The task force had an overall mandate to assist the City in finding new and innovative ways to manage and make its transportation systems more sustainable amid the rapidly changing landscape of Vaughan.
  • Following careful research, consideration and dedication to this mandate, the appointed members developed the Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force Findings and Recommendations Report, which was presented to Council on Tuesday, May 17, 2022.
  • The task forces for this Term of Council are as follows: Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, Economic Prosperity Task Force, Effective Governance and Oversight Task Force, Older Adult Task Force, Smart City Task Force and Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force.

