Another critical step to support the Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital

​City plans to start construction of roads and sewers in the fall

The City of Vaughan is taking its final step in preparing the land for the Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct that includes the site for the future Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital. Residents will soon see further progress on the site including the construction of City streets.  
The work also will involve building watermains, sewers and landscaping on the site at the northwest corner of Jane Street and Major Mackenzie Drive. A new intersection will be built on Jane Street to allow access to the site.
Many important milestones in the Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital project were met this year: 
  • The City and Mackenzie Health signed a 99-year lease for the hospital land to support construction of the new hospital.
  • The province announced the release of a request for proposals to the three teams shortlisted to design, build, finance and maintain the new hospital. The winning group is expected to be announced in spring 2016 with construction scheduled to follow soon after.
  • The City of Vaughan and Mackenzie Health signed a Municipal Infrastructure Plan and Cost-Sharing Agreement to enable early site works on the healthcare centre precinct. 
Following a competitive procurement process, Council received a recommendation at yesterday’s Finance, Administration and Audit Committee to award the remainder of the City’s site servicing work to Con Drain Co. Ltd. A final decision from Council is expected on Sept. 16.

“I am so pleased with all the great work that has happened so far this year on the Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital project. From signing the ground lease to the request for proposals, the new hospital project is really taking shape. With the award of this municipal infrastructure tender, the City can now complete all the necessary infrastructure work so the land will be ready for the imminent construction of our new hospital. We continue to work closely with Mackenzie Health and the province to support the new hospital project timeline. This hospital is a vital part of our future and our ultimate goal of taking Vaughan to a higher level and creating a world-class city.”
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua  
  • Infrastructure Ontario and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care are working with Mackenzie Health to build the new hospital at Jane Street and Major Mackenzie Drive.
  • The total cost of site preparation and servicing the land for the Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct is $41.7 million. Funding sources include the Vaughan Hospital Precinct Development Levy, Mackenzie Health, the wastewater reserve and the City-wide development charges. 
  • The tender for phase two is in the amount of $21.1 million. 
  • The Vaughan Hospital Precinct Development Levy is $80 million, with $61 million used to purchase the healthcare precinct land and the remainder to contribute to the site servicing of the land. 
  • This final stage of development consists of internal sewer, water and stormwater servicing; a sanitary pumping station; internal roads, sidewalks and streetlights; new traffic signals at Jane Street; and streetscaping and landscaping features. 
  • The first phase of work on the site began in July 2014 and included the storm sewer improvements, new traffic signals on Major Mackenzie Drive and the earthworks for the 82-acre site. 
  • Vaughan City Council approved the Vaughan Healthcare Precinct Plan in November 2013. 
  • The City of Vaughan acquired 82 acres on the northwest quadrant of Major Mackenzie Drive and Jane Street for an urban Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct and five acres south of Major Mackenzie Drive as a potential future transit hub.