Enhancing the citizen experience

Service excellence at the forefront of Vaughan's refreshed strategic plan

As one of the fastest growing municipalities in the GTA, the City of Vaughan is committed to investing in our community’s future and building on the citizen experience to provide the most value to residents.
In a presentation to Council today, City Manager Steve Kanellakos outlined a refreshed strategic plan that is aimed at providing a focused set of priorities for the corporation to deliver on our mission of citizens first through service excellence.
This plan is the culmination of months of assessing the City’s operations and performance to define a set of priorities that align with Council’s goals and objectives for the 2014-2018 term. The plan also includes the alignment of the City’s three-year budget with the priorities and goals of the strategic plan while keeping the tax rate in line with targets set by Council.
Priorities for this term of Council include improving the municipal road network, facilitating the development of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, supporting the development of the hospital, re-establishing the urban tree canopy, creating affordable housing options, establishing a lobbyist registry, attracting investment and creating jobs, and supporting and promoting the arts, culture, heritage and sports in the community.
A revised organizational structure was also approved to align staff and departments with the refreshed strategic plan to ensure priorities are delivered.

City-building is a team effort and our success is the result of hard work, focus and discipline. We have built a solid foundation and this updated strategic plan will continue to guide us on the path to achieving our goals. On behalf of Council, I want to express my gratitude to our City Manager, Steve Kanellakos, and the Leadership Team for their commitment to raising the bar and aiming higher in our pursuit of excellence in Vaughan's administration. I’m confident that this will be a positive change that will enable us to fulfill our vision of Vaughan as a city of choice.”
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
“A lot of thought, collaboration and hard work have gone into developing a plan to enhance our approach to service excellence. There is great momentum and positive energy, and I’m excited about where we’re headed in Vaughan. At the end of the day, it all comes down to improving our citizens’ experience with City services in a financially responsible manner. We will focus on engaging our staff, improving our operational performance and renewing our commitment to service excellence.”
-City Manager Steve Kanellakos
  • Vaughan Vision 2020, the City’s strategic plan, was developed in 2007 with input from staff and residents.
  • The three-year budget plan for 2016-2018 will be aligned with the priorities and initiatives outlined in the refreshed approach. Initiatives within the strategic plan will be accommodated within Council’s direction that tax rate increases not exceed three per cent annually for this term of Council. The draft 2016 budget plan will be presented in November.
  • The refreshed direction is presented in the form of a Service Excellence Strategy Map that outlines Vaughan’s vision, mission and values, term of Council priorities, strategic initiatives related to service excellence, and departmental business plans.