Celebrating excellence in Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service

City of Vaughan
Ceremony honours recruit graduates and recent promotions

Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service (VFRS) continues to be recognized in Ontario as a leader in emergency service delivery. Today, the fire service held a ceremony for 12 recruits, who will continue the City of Vaughan’s tradition of Service Excellence, nine promoted firefighters who champion teamwork and integrity, and three recently hired support staff who are invaluable members of the fire service team.
Every year, hundreds of men and women apply to VFRS’s recruit program in hopes of joining the elite fire service. After a careful selection process, only the most qualified and physically fit individuals complete a rigorous 12-week program, which includes classroom training and hands-on experience that gives the recruits the skills to perform their duties quickly and efficiently in an emergency.
During the ceremony, the graduates were given their completion certificates and the newly promoted officers were presented with their designated helmets. Fire Chief Larry Bentley, Deputy City Manager Mary Reali and Ontario Fire Marshal Ross Nichols expressed their gratitude to the firefighters for the work they do every day to keep Vaughan and its citizens safe.
For more information about Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service, visit vaughan.ca/fire.
“Today, we honour those who choose to dedicate their lives to public service and helping others. I offer my sincere congratulations to the graduates who are making a commitment to protect our residents and keep our city safe, and to the promoted officers who continue to lead by example through exemplary actions. As our city grows, our fire and rescue department is expanding with it to meet the needs of citizens. Through responding to emergencies, educating the public on fire safety and volunteering in the community, our firefighters display a professionalism and dedication that is truly second to none.”
- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
  • Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service has more than 340 fire service personnel, including 290 firefighters.
  • There are nine fire stations serving Vaughan. A 10th station is currently under construction in Kleinburg.
  • The recruitment process can take more than six months due to the various steps and stiff competition.
  • Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service received a 99 per cent satisfaction rating in the City of Vaughan’s 2016 Citizen Survey.



Members of Council and City staff join newly appointed officers from Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service.