City of Vaughan wants you to join our boards and committees

Information Open House for residents on Nov. 28 at City Hall

The City of Vaughan invites you to share your expertise and make a difference in our community by serving as a citizen member of a board or committee. In this role, you can help advise and inform the Mayor and Members of Council on matters that affect the public. 

Positions are available on the following boards and committees for the 2018-2022 Council term:
  • Accessibility Advisory Committee
  • Committee of Adjustment
  • Heritage Vaughan      
  • Property Standards Committee
  • Vaughan Public Library Board
​Attend the Information Open House to learn more about the role of citizen members and the matters considered by each board or committee:
WHEN:           Wednesday, Nov. 28 – 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHERE:         Vaughan City Hall – Multi-Purpose Room, first floor, 2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
To be eligible to participate as a member, applicants must be a Vaughan resident or property owner, a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age or older and not employed by the municipality.
Applications are due by Friday, Dec. 7, and are available in the City Clerk’s Office (first floor of Vaughan City Hall), Vaughan libraries and community centres, and at
For more information, call the City of Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or visit
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